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News video games 05 September 2023, 13:25

author: Adrian Werner

10 Years Later and This Strategy Game Still Manages to Attract 5,000 People in Daily Peak

Ten years after its release, Total War: Rome II is still holding strong, achieving impressive results on Steam.

Source: Sega

A few days ago the tenth birthday was celebrated by Total War: Rome II. We decided to take a look at the current condition of this hit by Creative Assembly. It turns out that the game is doing very well and achieves results that can be envied by many modern titles.

Impressive results

Yesterday's activity record was 6349 concurrent players on Steam. In recent weeks, during the hottest moments of each day, the game regularly attracted around 5,000 players.

  1. These are impressive results, especially for a ten-year-old game that hasn't received any new content in a long time - the last DLC was released in 2018, five years ago.
  2. Total War: Rome II was received rather coldly by gamers at the time of its release due to its the abysmal technical condition. However, years of patching have remedied the situation and now the game is very popular - on Steam 85% of all reviews are positive, and counting only those from the last 30 days, we get 90% of positive comments.

Horrendous price - it's worth waiting for discounts

Currently, the game can be purchased on Steam in the Total War: ROME II - Emperor Edition for $59.99. This edition does not include DLCs. The total price of the latter is over $100.

  1. To be honest, these amounts are a bit ridiculous for such an old game, but not many people buy Total War: Rome II at full price. Instead, players wait for discounts, and these are organized quite often. In the July sale, the base game could be bought on Steam for $12.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that in maintaining high popularity Total War: Rome II is also helped by mods. The two most important are Wars of the Gods - Ancient Wars and Divide et Impera. Both are great projects that improve and expand virtually every element of the game, and fans argue all the time which one is better. It's best to check out both mods yourself and decide which one suits you better.

Adrian Werner

Adrian Werner

A true veteran of the Gamepressure newsroom, writing continuously since 2009 and still not having enough. He caught the gaming bug thanks to playing on his friend's ZX Spectrum. Then he switched to his own Commodore 64, and after a short adventure with 16-bit consoles, he forever entrusted his heart to PC games. A fan of niche productions, especially adventure games, RPGs and games of the immersive sim genre, as well as a mod enthusiast. Apart from games, he devourers stories in every form - books, series, movies, and comics.
