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Articles related to Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Best RPGs for Pacifist Run and Completion Without Killing
Best RPGs for Pacifist Run and Completion Without Killing

editorial20 January 2022

In some role-playing games, such as Deus Ex or Fallout, you don't have to resort to violence to complete the game. What's more, the so-called "pacifist run" or non violent often turns out to be much more interesting or challenging than usual combat.

Best RPG Series That Aren't Coming Back Any Time Soon
Best RPG Series That Aren't Coming Back Any Time Soon

editorial03 June 2021

Many RPGs deserved proper follow-ups, yet they have been sitting on the shelf with poor prospects for the future for years. Here is a sad reminder of the great role-playing games that are unlikely to be revived any time soon.

Size Doesn't Always Matter - The Best Small Open-World Games
Size Doesn't Always Matter - The Best Small Open-World Games

editorial10 March 2021

There is a great race among open-world game developers to see who can make the most gigantic virtual world. Meanwhile, the hearts of players are often won by developers who focus on filling smaller realms with more concise attractions.

Who Does it Best? Cyberpunk 2077 vs. GTA and Deus Ex
Who Does it Best? Cyberpunk 2077 vs. GTA and Deus Ex

editorial08 January 2021

CD Projekt Red may claim Cyberpunk 2077 is a breakthrough, unprecedented phenomenon, but the truth is that great artists steal – especially from GTA and Deus Ex. Let's take a closer look at how CP2077's particular elements fare against those classics.

What to Read, Watch and Play Before Cyberpunk 2077
What to Read, Watch and Play Before Cyberpunk 2077

editorial13 July 2020

Several months before the planned premiere of the new game by CD Projekt RED we invite you to go through the list of movies, pieces of literature, games, and music representing the cyberpunk genre.

Sunny Cyberpunk is not a bad thing, so don't worry about Cyberpunk 2077
Sunny Cyberpunk is not a bad thing, so don't worry about Cyberpunk 2077

editorial16 July 2018

Having divided fans of the genre across the world, the now infamously bright-and-colorful Cyberpunk 2077 E3 trailer left everybody asking, ‘OK, so can it be both sunny and cyberpunk?’ The definitive answer is: hell yes.

Curious Case of Saviour Schnapps: A hardcore saving system that divided gamers
Curious Case of Saviour Schnapps: A hardcore saving system that divided gamers

editorial09 March 2018

The saving system in Kingdom Come: Deliverance has recently caused much fuss. Some called it a redundant and artificial hindrance; others thought it a splendid way to spice things up. Where’s the truth, if there's any? Mine is certainly not in the middle.

Why Square Enix may have actually pulled the plug on Deus Ex
Why Square Enix may have actually pulled the plug on Deus Ex

editorial08 February 2017

Recently, we’ve been hearing rumors about the alleged suspension of the Deus Ex series. In this article, I’d like to present possible reasons for such development and share some of my thoughts on the present condition of the said franchise.

Top 20 games of 2016 you might have missed
Top 20 games of 2016 you might have missed

editorial02 January 2017

So many games appear each year that we’re never able to check out all of them. Why not take a look at this article in which we’ve gathered the most interesting titles you might have missed ¬– both big and small?

Other reads:

The Best Games of 2022 | December Final Update
The Best Games of 2022 | December Final Update

editorial19 December 2022

We present the ultimate best games released in 2022. Throughout the year, we've been selecting the best games, and now, near the end of the year, the list is finally complete!

How Did Elden Ring Beat God of War Ragnarok to GOTY? Here's My Take
How Did Elden Ring Beat God of War Ragnarok to GOTY? Here's My Take

editorial13 December 2022

The two highest-scoring games of the year were Elden Ring and God of War: Ragnarok, and they competed for the title of GOTY at the recent The Game Awards ceremony. What's the reasoning behind the ultimate choice?

The Best Games Available on PS5 - Editors' Choice
The Best Games Available on PS5 - Editors' Choice

editorial16 November 2022

The PlayStation 5 has been on the market for more than two years now. What are the best games we can play on it right now? We decided to make a selection, and that's how we came up with a list of the best PS5 games currently available.