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Victoria II - game update v.1.3 - Download

Game update (patch) to Victoria II , a(n) strategy game, v.1.3, added on Monday, April 18, 2011.

file typeGame update

file size52.8 MB


(last 7 days)0

last updateMonday, April 18, 2011

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version: v.1.3


- AI Improvements


- Tweaked the AI logic for techs and Gas.

- AI will now recruit as many generals as possible.

- AI is now better at assigning leaders.

- AI should now research naval techs correctly.

- National focus AI will now remove focus from colonization attempts that are far behind an opponents colonization attempt of the same region.

- All AI countries will no longer pick the same option on events that all countries get simulatiously.

- Added more AI chance factors to techs, mainly to encourage late game factory unlockers.

- Further fixes to capitalist AI

- AI will now turn off subsidies more intelligently

- AI chance added to lots of Army/Navy techs.

- Upped AI chance on researching new ship types some more.

- AI is more likely to increase military spending if low amount of soldiers.

- AI will nolonger attempt to colonize regions where someone elses colonization is way ahead.

- AI can now delete factories.

- Fixed some Naval AI issues

- Improved Naval AI strait blocking and guarding

- Optimized an AI pathfinding check (ShouldGoByLand)

- fixed: Does the AI know how to remove factories?

- fixed problem with the ai trying to upgrade buildings that aren't there

- fixed Capitalist AI build logic: Single Closed Factory in State under L-F Government

- Fixed a bug which caused the AI to always disband at least one regiment at each reload.

- The AI learned to not build engineers instead of infantry.

- Army AI: Fixed an odds bug where the AI would grossly underestimate enemy strength

- Army AI: Improved odds calculation to look at more factors


- Gamebalance Changes


* Pops

- Clergy promotion now check clergy levels, not officer levels.

- A few immigration-attracting effects now also increase assimilation rate.

- Reduced default assimilation rate by 25%.

- Citizenship policies now increase assimilation rates.

- Continents can now affect provinces, which currently just sets assimilation rate depending on continent.

- Having political and social reforms enacted increase the angryness of political party being appointed.

- Low literacy POPs are now far less likely to promote

- Soldiers are now less likely to become craftsmen if you spend money on them.

- Farmers and Labourers at <20% literacy is now less likely to become craftsmen.

- Increased Mil reduction after rising to 3 (from 1).

- Mil from reform desire doubled

- Literacy is now capped to 100%

- Fixed a bug in promotion factors that nerfed promotion to bureaucrats when admin spending was above 0.

- Literate pops are more likely to promote to bureaucrats in states with under 1% bureaucrats.

- Removed lux goods modifier for generic promotion chance as lux needs are higher now.

- Fixed clerk to bureaucrat promotion.

- Soldiers may now also promote to craftsmen.

- Craftsmen now want the wage reforms more.

- Told soldiers not to promote to craftsmen in colonies.

- Clergy less likely to promote to officers when education spending is 100% and Military is under 80

- Pop's desire for voting rights to their strata doubled.

- less bureaucrat promotions when spending = 0

- pops thinking of becoming aristocrats check state scope to see if there's too many rather than the nation

- Pops will not assimilate in overseas colonies.

- Lowly populated areas will not completely depopulate from migration.

- Pops should no longer emigrate to occupied provinces

- Pops in occupied provinces should not promote or demote.

- Hit healthcare with the nerfbat.

- Made craftsmen a little more likely to promote to clerks.

- Pops learned to move around more.

* Military

- Arty brigades have defence now, techs increasing their attack will also raise def.

- Mobilisation calculation is now using merged smaller pops to not punish smaller countries so much. ie, Prussia vs France.

- Supply costs now affect military score.

- Upkeep cost for brigades increased

- Army techs increase upkeep cost more.

- Troops no longer affect colonial progress.

- Tweaked colonial progress to not go backwards.

- MoW arty need upped to be in line with others

- Units will nolonger leave combat if they cancel movement.

* Diplomacy

- Same continent-cores and the capitals are now weighed more in warscore calculations.

- Peacecosts for taking province will not grow because of enemy is losingn territory to rebels at the same time.

- A country being forced to be released will get a truce with the country releasing it.

- Rewrote mechanics so that bankrupcies, 'gunboating' and defaults are 'on the same page':

* A country that cant pay their intresst goes bankrupt, this will put them in default to all creditors for two years

* All creditors gets a cb/wargoal to force them to repay their debts, if they win the country will no longer be in default to them

* After two years, all loans held by the bankrupt country, that it still is defaulting on, will be cleared

- Good peace offers that are declined now incur a penalty to the decliner, also added text to the peace offer message that reflects this.

- Admit Hegemony now gets all relevant countries into your sphere!.

- You can now properly influence countries added to your sphere even if you have a truce.

- No longer possible to humilitate a country which has recently lost a war (within last 5 years.)

- Being forced to disarm now reduces your badboy quicker.

- You can always influence someone in your sphere, even if at truce with them.

- Countries should now allways get a cb on debt default

- Only the selected wargoals are now executed

- Only countries that exists will be added to spheres when a hegemony war is won.

* Economy

- Increased output of underproduced RGO goods

- RGO workers will now be fired if they are oversupplying.

- Prices can now rise if there is a demand for them, but nothing actually produced yet.

- Rebalanced factory outputs to make late game factories actually profitable.

- Complete revision of Pop needs.

- Reduced POP demand for certain manufactured goods

- Lowered electric gear factory's cement cost to be in line with others

- National focus for factory production will now be much strongerly considered by capitalists and they may ignore non-profitability.

- Intrest is now payed before anything else

- If you have no money and get no loans, expenses no longer gets payed

- Loans are now payed of in fleet orders (the private inverstors have a really big one )

- Reduced demand of certain goods to bring supply and demand into better balance.

- Fabric, the manufactured good that powered the Industrial revolution, is now more economic to make.

- Prices can now fluctuate between 20% and 500% of base price.

- Cement factories no longer need cement to work properly

- Tweaked supply and demand for certain goods

- Further tweaked luxury demands

* Rebels

- Middle-class pops now provide some infantry when they rise.

- Rebels are now a bit more dangerous, as they have leaders, and will reinforce and are resilient.

- Socialists now back political reforms at half the want of liberals.

- Liberals now back social reforms at half the want of socialists.

- Military issues are no longer so extremely important for people.

- Chanced Anarcho Liberal trigger to be political reform want rather than social. No social reform want before Socialists are active.

- Anarcho liberal rebels will no longer form in bourgeois dictatorships.

- Reduced chance for primary culture pops to join nationalist rebels.

- Expanded trigger to activate commies to make it more likely.

- Farmers and labourers are a bit more likely to go socialist in equality nations with socialist ruling parties.

- Farmers and labourers are keener on pensions when not getting their lux needs filled.

- Small increase of probability of national rebels rising compared to others in the later game.

- Pops less likely to join Anarcho-liberal rebels if not of culture group or accepted

- More modifiers to make Pops go Socialist when they desire social reform

- Rebel rising popups now has a max size

- Terrorist cells are now only activated when the terrorism tech is discovered.

- Spoil system is now properly active from the start.

* Technology

- Advantgarde Intelligentsia were found to be actually quite useful, we have returned the Intelligentsia back to it is more traditional role of being seen to be a burden to honest hard working people.

- Increased researchpoints from plurality and literacy.

- Newly created countries will now have their technologies properly initialised.

- Released countries no longer go immediately bankrupt.


- Interface Improvements


- Newly created leaders are now added to the top of the list.

- Supply consumption on unitview now takes current level from country into account.

- Map will no longer scroll if you are moving cursor while editing the name of a unit. (Or any other editbox)

- Fixed needs dissapearing from the pop details screen for very small pops.

- Political screen will now show the same reform allow percent in all toolstips regarding the same thing.

- Bank loans tabs nolonger toggle, but rather switch to the tab that was clicked.

- Fixed bug where poptype tooltips would show the wrong luxury fullfillment.

- Fixed a technology tooltip.

- Declare war tooltips will now state that you are in the same SoI as your target rather than that they are in your SoI if this is infact the case.

- fixed Stockpile slider: percentage tooltip should be visible over buttons

- added shortcut tooltips

- National focus sprites will now always be placed in a province owned by the focus owner. ( Unless colonization focus )

- Chance of allies joining in a war when call allies checkbox is ticked added.

- War effects can now be setup to call in allies or not.

- Unitview will now color the pop icon red if the pop is unable to reinforce or yellow if it can reinforce only at a slower rate.

- Pop icons on subunits being reorganized will now be colored the same way as the pop icons in the unit view.

- Units that are under construction will no longer flicker in the millitary screen

- Build screens will now remember what tab it was on.

- Military screen is now less laggy with large armies.

- New policical parties and removal of old parties will now trigger messages.

- War intervene screen now shows the correct reason.

- Days of insolvency for factories is now visible on the production screen.

- Unitflags will now change when government is changed.

- Parties now have a more informative tool tip.

- Fixed Message log incorrectly reports province defection

- Auto-create/assign leaders creates admirals for 1-ship fleet

- You can now disable auto assign for leaders you don't like

- Now Better scrolling in popview


- User Modding


- Terrain trigger now works properly in migration checks.

- Civilized trigger now works for pop & province scope.

- The 'corruption' trigger now works properly and is a range from 0-1 telling how large percentage of your country that is covered by crime buildings.

- Fixed the "is_secondary_power" trigger.

- Added a new modifier called 'global_assimilation_rate' which is for an entire country.

- Added a trigger for 'has_recently_lost_war = yes/no'.

- Infrastructure command now changes railroad level, not sets it.

- Added a trigger called 'strata = poor/middle/rich' for pop scope.

- The 'money = x' trigger now works.


- Database Changes


- Added a decision where secondary powers with poor relations with their master can leave a SoI.

- Leave SoI decision now uses secondary power trigger. Also moved it to Allow section so it is visible to any nation in a SoI.

- Lowered MTTH on socialist and communist enabling events and made triggers a bit easier

- Tweaked a few triggers for events to not happen when they shouldn't.

- von molke's reforms also availible to NGF/GER

- fixed ORs in Jacobin rebels

- fixed tech check in expressionism inventions

- DAN/HAB changed to DEN/AUS in country colors

- name changes in cultures file from community fixpack

- prussian_constitutionalism uses monarch flag

- Israel can no longer form Germany

- The Peking Convention can no longer be enacted while Russia is at war with China

- Gifted Administrator trait now improves ORG rather than reducing it

- corrected flag name in ACW events

- corrected relation effects to use WHO rather than WITH in some ACW events/decisions

- fixed abolish_prohibition trigger

- fixed event 31507 trigger, should be for AUS rather than LOM + flag check

- event 31508 polish Committee of Independence also fires for GER/RUS

- Ship Explodes event adds correct CB

- fixed WITH/WHO in civ and gunboats too

- Disloyal Regiment event checks correct pop type

- removed needless owner scope in the Bitter rain event

- added civ check to Heia Safari! event/effect and changed WITH to WHO

- Colony Improves event only happens in colonies now

- correct poptype checked in event 36202

- correct poptype checked in event 36203

- removed check for global flag GermanizeSchlewsigDENes in event 36206 as it is not set by anything

- correct poptype checked in event 36923

- events 36940 and 36941 check correct tag (NZL)

- event 33003 checks BAV, not BAY

- event 33004 affects relations with DEN, not DAN

- Abu Dhabi checked only once in oil event

- IdeologyEnabling events now only have one picture defined.

- The Great Escape event only checks civ status once

- Friend's Almshouse event checks pop, not state

- Signing the Geneva convention requires under 25 BB, not 250.

- Dental Care Bill event modifier corrected

- The Familiar Institution and Withdrawing Privileges of the Unemployed events empty modifiers removed

- Unraveling Reform event changes correct reform

- Union Busting event only checks civ status once

- $COUNTRY$ Has Abolished Slavery event only checks civ status once

- An Age of Liberalism event flag corrected

- Springtime of Nations modifier corrected

- End of The Liberal Revolution Part 2, trigger needed an OR and now it has one.

- Potato Famine Debated, needless owner scope removed

- Insurrection event, OR added

- Revolt event checks correct flag

- Cholera Epedemic event, needless owners checks removed.

- Local Poet event modifier fixed

- Local Clergy preaches disobedience event modifier fixed

- National Martyr event, extra AND removed

- Pan-Nationalist event, empty modifier removed

- Onaction events, unneeded country and owner scopes removed

- Red John event makes pops 30% more in favour, not 300%

- Workhouse Strike events makes pops more 15% demanding rather than 150%

- fixed Upper House Dissatisfaction event effect

- fixed Free Trade & Repeal Society, Free Trade & Morals, Freemarketeering Criticized, and Newspaper Publishes Blasphemy events effects

- The Alaska Purchase now sells ALL Russian land in NA to USA and removes Russian cores there

- The Alaska Purchase event1 now has text on option B

- The Alaska Purchase decision now requires you have enough money

- Blackshirts event fixed scaled mil effect

- Suffragette Movements event, fixed UH effect

- Added owner scope to gov type check on event 36603

- Temperance League, Beer hall, Religious Temperance, Licensing Act, Temperance & Labour events check for muslim religions

- unneeded owner scope removed form beer hall opens event

- Viticultural Association event checks for country flag now, not province

- many unneeded owner scopes in workplaceevents.txt removed

- Blood & Iron Mine event won't fires for same place ehile modifier is active

- Fashion Fails event - removed empty modifiers

- anti_egalitarianism invention now correctly enables citizen guard crime

- changed ENG_2014 to 2016

- removed 3 factories from the UK and turned the craftsmen back to farmers.

- Added a revised alot of parties.

- USA proletarian_dictatorship called American People's Republic again

- Upped money from first choice in the First farmer's bank event to make it slightly tempting.

- Added starting USA colonise NFs in Washington and Oregon.

- Alaska purchase now gives ALL Russian NA to USA, not just USA's cores in case RUS takes some Canada.

- Boy shot event costs more to investigate/

- Increased attraction to fascist rebels a bit.

- Can go KUK if government = prussian_constitutionalism too!

- Added a boost to fertilizer production on the artificial_fertilizers invention and electricity tech.

- 13200 checks for truce with SoI owner.

- 13200 gives add to SoI CB/wargoal.

- Made allow/remove liquor_prohibition less spammy.

- Corrected triggers in Temperance League events

- Removed odd modifier from reactionary rebels.

- It now costs a lot more to join the Internatonal Olympic Committee.

- Changed Foreign Smugglers and Point of Trade events to give a country modifier

- Event 31505 now points to correct localisation.

- Added BUR to UK's SoI.

- Reduced brigade cost and tech cost increase a little.

- Added Linebreak to fixe liferating in Leghorn.

- Activated unused FRA parties.

- ISR won't ask GER to annex them anymore.

- Lowered mil score needed for meiji.

- Lowered Lit requirement and MttH for Enable Fascists events.

- Fixed MTTH in event 45100

- precious_metal_mine is now a mine

- Event 21030 MTTH fixed

- 1935 nobel prize events checks right flag

- Fixed the fort in Edirne.

- Venezuela now has the core on Mahdia, not Venice.

- Modena now in Austria’s sphere at game start

- Changed event 19000 to not trigger followup for GPs with over 90 influence to avoid double SoIs.

- Change a Fabric factory in Boston to Canned food and made the UK's Clipper factory level2 to smooth out early game economy.

- Gave the USA 2 techs and some more bureaucrats so they can afford their navy.

- Penal colonies won't fire again if you have the modifier from it.

- Laagers attacked shouldn't fire multiple times for the same nation.

- Events where you DoW also have a choice to call your allies as it is not automatic anymore.

- FRA can't decision-annex a player MAD.

- Ideologies can only be invented by civilised nations.

- BOL and PEU start allied

- Removed the culture penalty on industrial tech school

- Removed ai_will_do from webster_ashburton_treaty and added a BB trigger

- Anarcho-liberal, fascist and reactionary rebels like no_trade_unions now

- Nations can only apply for US statehood once

- Added a VEN core on Mahdia.

- Fixed a bunch of modifiers that used literacy incorrectly

- Renamed the Benin region to Dahomey.

- BEL starts with XP railroad

- Breslau's arty factory is now open and some more craftsmen have been added.

- PRU starts with mechanical production

- Fixed when poor pops want Gerrymandering

- Added an event for TEX which grants some supplies

- Added small BEL railway

- Fixed a modifer in harassment voting issuse choice for poor pops.

- Gave pandemic_influenza global effects as it is a country modifier.

- Turkish reactionary and conservative parties now take a more conservative view on who is actually a Turk

- Border incident requires you to be civilized.

- Added a decision for Russia to move its capital to Moscow

- fixed some inverted modifier in many pop issues.

- fixed some triggers and reduced MttH in civ and gunboat events

- Drunken sailor event now fires the correct reaction events

- tweaked soldier/craftsmen promotion logic

- the temperance_league modifier now affects global mil

- Restricted a few gunboat events to only happen for countries they were meant to be for.

- fixed a broken strait around Gibraltar.


- Performance and Stability


- Quite alot of optimisation done, mostly focused on late game performance.

- Reported crashbugs tracked down and fixed.

- Fixed lockup with big rebellions.

- Fixed a common reason for OOS.

- Fixed crash in pop detail tooltip


- Generic Bugfixes


- Fixed bug in land combatant where subunits were not removed from retreats when their unit was deleted.

- Population growth modifier will now function as intended.

- fixed Losing GP status incorrectly

- fixed Mass building of the same factory

- fixed Negative population w/ endgame save

- Some mod dir problems fixed.

- fixed Russia and UK on again, off again

- Its now possible to cross the dateline without it taking over a year.

- fixed Intervene Tool Tip confusing

- fixed discrepancy in call alliance chances

- Fixed previous owner calculations

- Fixed a bug with the order of wargoal execution on peace. This was causing some wargoals to fail when they should not.

- Fixed units stuck as builditems in the millitary view.

- Fixed ship avatars dissapearing when a ship in a unit dies.

- Closed a hole in the world market code that caused money to be lost

- Fixed bug where loading would reset the unique name index.

- Fixed a bug where the fort bonus would be given to both sides in a combat.

- Fixed a problem that caused money not be saved in save games

- Casus belli's will nolonger loose their enddate on save/load.

- Added missing "=" to several prov files

- Removed pop needs effects from many province modifiers as it's a country level effect

- Fixed a major bug that truncated savegames at some times.

- New messages should now appear properly.

- Fixed being occupied is great for industry

- Fixed Uniforms not updating fully

- Improved Gathering the following materials before construction can start info

- Fixed a few missing ports.

- Fixed a lockup with scripted occupation.

- Fixed a few spelling mistakes.

  • Last update: Monday, April 18, 2011
  • Genre: Strategy
  • File size: 52.8 MB

Files for Victoria II






7 days

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