statute book

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Words related to statute book

a record of the whole body of legislation in a given jurisdiction

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References in periodicals archive ?
Asked whether these would all clear Parliament by March 29, the spokeswoman said: "We've said the statute book will be ready and that's what we are working to achieve."
Keeping in view their responses, it has been decided to delete Section 309 from the Statute Book," Chaudhary said in reply to a written question.
But she warned the delay in getting that on to the statute book would inevitably mean "more victims of violent crimes committed by foreigners in this country".
He's 70 next May and, according to the FA statute book, will have to step down.
Mr Cameron is personally supportive of the reform and Downing Street stressed again this week the Government's determination to get it on to the statute book before the end of the parliament.
The Health and Social Care Bill will reach the statute book once it has received royal assent from the Queen.
The Coal and Other Mines (Horses) Order 1956 has now been struck from the statute book as part of the Government's anti-bureaucracy "red tape challenge".
The Conservatives always wanted to destroy the most hated achievement of socialism from the statute book and, with the help of the Lib Dems, they will probably do so.
"We are the first country in the world to open up its statute book in this way, and this is an amazing dataset."
Summary: Legislation being tabled this autumn will place the sovereignty of the British Parliament on the statute book for the first time.
It clarifies the scope and scale of the statute book and makes it more accessible by introducing an interactive browse and timeline facility.
And I could even warm towards him if I thought he'd ever taken the trouble to sit down and fully comprehend the Premier League's statute book.
of Dayton) present case material relevant to US bankruptcy and related law alongside notes and problems that the student is expected to answer with statute book also in hand.