statute of limitations

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Related to statute: Statute of frauds

statute of limitations

Malpractice A doctrine that allows a plaintiff 2 to 3 yrs–depending upon the state in the US, from the time of the alleged malpractice or negligence–by a physician or hospital–to file a lawsuit. See Emancipated minor, Malpractice.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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17 of 2019 approving a new statute for DIAC (the 'New DIAC Statute').
He said there is nothing to be afraid of if Malaysia decides to accede to the statute. The Rome Statute is the treaty that established the ICC.
In a statement Tuesday, Assembly of States Parties president O-Gon Kwon of the Republic of Korea said he was hoping that the withdrawal of the country from the Rome Statute was only 'temporary.'
* Colorado, Kansas and Maine have adopted the Uniform Consumer Credit Code and the prohibition is contained in that statute
Lynn under the statute. (14) The grand jury concluded that the child-endangerment statute was "too narrow to support a successful prosecution of the decisionmakers who were running the Archdiocese" because "[h]igh-level Archdiocese officials ...
TEI maintains unless a taxpayer has signed an agreement extending/modifying the jurisdiction's statute of limitation, the jurisdiction's assessment should be limited to the impact of the federal changes on the taxpayer's tax liability.
The statute barred laws refer to debts from sources such as: | Credit cards; | Personal loans; | Store cards; | Bank loans; | Finance company loans, and | Utility bills.
(1) The statute provides that, regardless of the terms of the governing documents, in a mixed-use condominium in which the number of residential units exceeds the number of commercial units, the owners of the residential units must be entitled to vote for a majority of the members of the board of directors of a condominium association.
Congress adopted CERCLA, an omnibus federal hazardous clean-up and cost recovery statute, including section 309 (also known as section 9658), which contains a "discovery rule"; this means that the time period in which plaintiffs must file a claim does not begin to run until they knew or should have known that the release caused their damages.
| KUWAIT, Sept 29 (KUNA) -- Minister of Commerce and Industry Anas Al-Saleh announced on Sunday issuance of executive statute of the law on commercial companies (NO 424/2013) as a fulfillment by the ministry for law requirements, and compliance to the prescribed six-month duration of its issuance.
(51) The first American criminal statute of limitations appeared in the Colony of Massachusetts in 1652.
In Massachusetts, the criminal act of driving under the influence of an intoxicating liquor or controlled substance is governed by Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 90, [section] 24(1)(a)(1) (the "Massachusetts OUI Statute").