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Synonyms for rime

ice crystals forming a white deposit (especially on objects outside)

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be similar in sound, especially with respect to the last syllable

compose rhymes

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References in periodicals archive ?
A similar alchemical movement takes place in Coleridge's the Rime, another dream poem, in which the ship is 'merrily dropped' as Coleridge emphasises, 'Below the kirk, Below the hill, Below the lighthouse top.' Once again it is upon such a descent that the mariner (or the dreamer as the case may be) moves away from the established structures of the waking world to an extracted and separated state that exists below consciousness (87).
As stated in the title, the editors have chosen the original Italian text of Rime (1554), not Salza's critical edition of 1913, on which subsequent Italian editions were based.
(lines 1-24) Most couplets are made up of octosyllabic lines linked by a masculine rime, but interspersed among them are three couplets with feminine rimes, all made up of heptasyllabic lines.
Identify the rime or a word you know that ends like that
Enter the dark rimes? No; it was just simple evolution.
The division between onsets and rimes in English syllables.
All this comes at a rime when Americans need a larger college-educated work force to remain globally competitive.
Reports of a correlation between early rhyming skill and later reading ability (Bradley & Bryant, 1985; Bryant, MacLean, Bradley, & Crossland, 1990; MacLean et al., 1987) led to the evolution of a theory which links awareness of onset and rime units to reading acquisition.
The rime -[??]mp, in my judgment, displays considerable coherence; it ranks fourth in the list of 62 coherent vigesimal rimes.
Two-bedroom apartments on the West Side rose 29% in average price during this rime.
Bishop Jamieson's husband Ian, who teaches at Otago University, is scheduled to retire at the same rime. In a letter to Anglicans in southern New Zealand, the bishop said that "it is time now for us to return to (the national capital) Wellington to our young families and to be there for them." They have three grown daughters.
are not intended primarily to be a sort of mirror of the interior dispositions of the faithful; rather they express truths that transcend the limits of rime and space."
In contrast, binge drinking in the last trimester of pregnancy was not associated with the likelihood that an infant was small for gestational age, but heavy alcohol consumption at this rime was associated with sharply elevated odds (4.3).
I: Euvres en rime, premiere partie: Neuf Livres des Poemes.