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Synonyms for nursling

a very young child

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

Synonyms for nursling

an infant considered in relation to its nurse

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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Frustrated, he returned to the abbey in Nursling, while Williboard fled to Echternach in Luxembourg, an abbey he founded.
Paul, Lucy's fellow teacher says, catching Lucy in a museum viewing what he deems to be an inappropriate painting for an unmarried young woman to look at: "You nurslings of Protestantism astonish me.
Lenard was born and raised in Nursling, England, daughter of the late Bertram and Alice (Luffman) Stokes.
However, Blatny et al.'s study dealt with the prediction of personality in adulthood from behaviors observed in the nursling and toddler stages.
The image in the mirror is understood as uncannily prefiguring the disintegration and nursling dependence of advanced age." (3) Leni Marshall builds on Woodward's terminology to label the alienation from the mirror image "meconnaissance" (4) This term removes the explicit "old age" parameter, expanding the possible timing of instances of the second mirror stage to middle age.
The Colosseum and triumphal arches were in sight; an effigy of the Roman wolf with her royal nursling was erected on high; the guests, with shouts and music, congratulated themselves on the possession, in Pius IX, of a new and nobler founder for another state.
Many thanks for your help Janet Golding Lane House, Redbridge Lane, Nursling Southampton, SO16 0XN
Kim Liegerfelt receives the Nephrology Nursling Journal Writing Award for Education.
Lucas, a forester and environmentalist, never misses a chance to read Shelley's "The (Cloud": "I am the daughter of Earth and Water, / And the nursling of the Sky; I pass through the pores, of the ocean and shores; / I change, but I cannot die ..." Then he adds each year, "I just think it's amazing that a poet could capture the hydrologic cycle so well."
Based on the findings of this study one would, therefore, conclude that for effective use of Schools of Nursling's Libraries by the teaching staff, there is need for current and adequate library resources, provision of ICT facilities, appreciable level of information literacy amongs the teaching staff, provision of professional librarians to manage to libraries and conducive reading environment.
There is, even in 1949, no contradiction for Lacan in arguing that the child's 'jubilant assumption of his specular image by the kind of being--still trapped in his motor impotence and nursling dependence--the little man is at the infans stage thus seems to me to manifest in an exemplary situation the symbolic matrix in which the I is precipitated in a primordial form'.
Although Santos found that nursling infants suffered less from malnutrition, 55 percent of the children between one and five were malnourished.
I can't help but notice that the daily chores - maintenance of Chubb, (even after employing the new strategy of "benign neglect"), extract crayons from her nose, extract her from beneath a sofa, wrestle the hammer out of her clutches, retune the television, explain that Mama is having a bath, and not hiding, eating biscuits (sometimes one has to lie), fetch Chelsea buns for my wife, not irritate her by standing in doorways, and now in addition, the many offices for our shining new nursling, little Nipper - mean that I might well have to give up one of life's essentials (maybe bathing), to stay in the game.
I spent a lot of time cringing at the thought of all the heel pricks and interventions my little premature baby endured in the early days--this baby who I never even wanted to subject to a vitamin K shot or antibiotic eye drops but now I look at my chubby nursling who's organically fed and holistically raised and know that the months he spends with us are quickly melting away the memories of those traumatic early days.