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Related to Suckling: unweaned, sickling, breastfed
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English poet and courtier (1609-1642)

an infant considered in relation to its nurse

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a young mammal that has not been weaned

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feeding an infant by giving suck at the breast


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Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Since his joining the Emirati airline, Littledale had been working closely with Suckling for a smooth handover, it added.-TradeArabia News Service
The new CFO joined Air Arabia on October 1, and has since been working closely with Suckling for a smooth handover.
In this study, we hypothesized that artificial suckling may affect both behavior and also stress hormone.
'The intentional killing of the lady decreased by official forces is a gross abuse of human rights taking away the love and affection of mother from the suckling baby and marital joy from her husband which would be a lifelong pain for the entire family especially for the baby and his father', the petitioner said.
The organization said same-species adoption among wild cats has been known to occur, but cross-species suckling had never been observed before.
Call 528 3000 for orders; 48 hours' notice is required for the suckling pig.
The experiment was conducted at the experimental farm of the National Institute of Animal Science in Cheonan (Chungnam Province, South Korea) using 159 suckling piglets and 16 sows (LandracexYorkshirexDuroc).
This article demonstrates that Sampson's The Vow Breaker can reveal a number of original features of the career of this author who got involved in the precarious and politically hazardous entanglements linked with the so-called 'Anne Willoughby affair', (4) that is, Sir John Suckling's disastrous courtship of Anne, the daughter of William Sampson's patron, Sir Henry Willoughby.
Suckling and Walton cover games writing in context, what games writers do and how they do it, beyond the basics, and what it is like being a games writer.
According to details, Nuzhat Bibi of Sahiwal filed a petition, contending that her husband Babar Ali of Mansoorabad had kicked of her house and snatched suckling daughter Noor Fatima forcibly some time back.
In rearing systems that allow the sow to regulate suckling frequency, either by natural (HOTZEL et al., 2004) or artificial (WEARY et al., 2002) means, there is a decrease in suckling frequency associated with a higher frequency of feeding right after weaning.
Australia's High Commissioner to India, Patrick Suckling welcomed their decision to reach out to Indian women.
We are looking at a target of 120,000 tourist visas by the end of this financial year," said Patrick Suckling, Australian High Commissioner to India at a function at his residence.
Such an interpretation would imply that modern infants distinguish bottle-feeding from suckling. However, breastfed infants who are not nursed at night sleep longer than breastfed infants who are nursed at night even though both consume human milk."