make love

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I felt desperate to make love, like it would kill me if we didn't.
Marcus likes to make love early in the day because that's when his testosterone level is at its highest.
Aimee adds: "I realise it was a dreadful thing to do - but sometimes the urge to make love is just too strong."
Men get turned on by seeing women naked while having sex and it's nice to watch your partner as you make love."
"The last thing on my mind was sex and when Brian tried to make love to me I shrugged him off.
-TV'S newly-wed Naked Chef Jamie Oliver recently confessed that he was often too tired to make love to his wife Jules because he was so exhausted from working long hours.
I get grumpy and irritable and can't concentrate on work if I don't make love. It doesn't matter if it is a quick session or lasts for hours.
Laura, 22, says: "We would make love every day and our time together was spent laughing and talking."
Even when we were peeling the spuds all we were thinking about was finishing as soon as possible so we could make love."