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References in periodicals archive ?
The EFF isn't the only non profit that believes the acts against white supremacist groups could harm others in the future.
Most would agree, however, that had the EFF not made it a major issue, the ANC would probably not have been too eager to follow through on it so quickly.
EFF and Sectigo's open standard collaboration enables certificate issuance and renewal automation beyond Domain Validated (DV) certificates and extends to both Organizational Validated (OV) certificates and Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates, which are the foundation for not only encrypting communication, but also authentication of a website's legal owners.
The EFF advocates an even more far-reaching reform agenda, of a kind the DA is not keen on.
But also interesting in the parliamentary saga is the rare, eyebrow-raising show of a united opposition, particularly the curious solidarity formed between two ideological foes, the EFF and the white-led Democratic Alliance (DA).
The anticipated measures are limited to three priority axes, out of the five axes foreseen under the EFF, namely:
"This is why it's particularly important that people be able to use the Privacy Act to learn about NGI-it ensures that people can access records the FBI has on them and allows them to take the FBI to court, if needed, to correct any inaccurate information," the (https://www.eff.org/press/releases/fbi-must-not-sidestep-privacy-protections-massive-collection-americans-biometric-data) EFF said last year.
Lexmark sued Static Control for violating the DMCA, which declares, "No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this tide." For Static Control and the EFF, which filed an amicus brief in the case, this was mission creep: The language in the law was meant to prevent software piracy, they argued, not efforts to make different companies' hardware compatible with each other.
Mbete and Thandi Modise, chairperson of the National Council of the Provinces, parliament's upper house, who were jointly chairing the joint sitting, tried to prevent the EFF MPs from asking Zuma the same question.
Co-financed to the amount of 50% by the European Fisheries Fund (EFF), the measures envisaged by this programme are based on five axes: 1.
A wide range of metric size Super-E motors are now available extending from IEC 80 frames for the sub-5kW products, up to IEC 355 frames, which cover ratings well beyond 90kW and into the high power markets where Eff.1 levels are set by the Water Industry Minimum Efficiency Standards.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)'s purpose-built computer Deep Crack, working in concert with thousands of volunteers on distributed.net, cracked a 56-bit DES-encrypted message in just 22 and a quarter hours.
The disbursement came after the completion of the third review under an extended fund facility (EFF) program for Indonesia totaling 6.2 billion dollars, the IMF said.