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Synonyms for harmonised

involving or characterized by harmony

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Volvo UK, a subsidiary of Geely, has become the first car manufacturer in the United Kingdom to homologate its entire model range under the new Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure.
In January to April, the annual harmonised inflation rate was minus 0.6 per cent, Cystat said in a statement on its website on Wednesday.
To deliver consistent supervision and a level playing field we need fully harmonised regulation" she insisted.
Sessions will cover everything from business mapping to personal development and be led by Haani Ul Hasnain of Harmonised World.
Clothing and footwear sector increased by 5.5% while alcoholic beverages and tobacco sector increased by 3.1% During the period of January -- March, the harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) was -1.2%, compared to the correspondent period of 2013.
Currently training requirements are not harmonised in Europe, and trainings on the job and the skills required from construction companies differ very much throughout Europe.
This regulation, which entered into force in January 2009, incorporates the United Nations' globally harmonised system for the classification and labelling of hazardous chemicals.
The Commission's response was that while Directive 2008/118 authorises the levying of additional taxes, the same cannot be said for the French scheme, which does not add a supplementary tax to the harmonised tax, but differentiates the harmonised tax locally.
Saudi Arabia risks losing out on massive GDP growth if it fails to release harmonised spectrum for LTE , according to a report from the GSMA.
The harmonised consumer price index, the figure calculated by the statistics board for comparison with inflation in the European Union, was 0.5 per cent up in November and the year-on-year figure was an increase of four per cent at the end of the month.
The harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) for Austria stood at 109.62 points in June and the harmonised annual inflation rate was 1.8%, after 1.7% in May.
At the same time, it will prepare procedures and processes ensuring pharmacovigilance probes staged across the EU are harmonised and their results recognised in all member states.
Also they are unaware of the new Atex harmonised standards and how these standards affect equipment being sourced," says Chris Chant, business development manager at Okazaki Manufacturing Company (OMC).