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Related to harmonical: harmony


an obsolete form of harmonic1, harmonic2
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.harmonical - involving or characterized by harmony
harmonious - musically pleasing
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This paper gives an overview how spherical harmonical functions can be represented by the use of symmetric traceless tensors.
From their second and current album titled Re Bolela le Modimo, all the 10 tracks are inviting and have varying music tempos which ranges from Mokhukhu to kwasakwasa as well as sweet meandering melody characterised by occasional harmonical and jazzy guitar.
Denote [H.sub.m] to be the space of spherical harmonical homogeneous polynomials of degree m.
The harmonic orbit resonance model states that the planetary system is best viewed as a self-organisation system where the orbital parameters evolve to attractor states in the sense of harmonical relations (the harmonic orbit resonance).
As this potential is harmonical out of masses that form the earth, spherical harmonic series are generally used for determining the gravity field (Kaula 1966; Heiskanen and Moritz 1984; Rummel et al.
The seven-year-old is still on an upward curve and can strike again in the Restricted Race from heslaker Maiden winner harmonical and Anddante.
- F0 responses to harmonical instruments remained constant over course of time.
Matter acquired a structural counterpart anchored in the psyche, and the spiritual, the realm of ideas, became anchored in harmonical shapes and forms.
where [phi] is the angle, read out from a vertical, [??] is the angular velocity of the pendulum, a is the linear stiffness coefficient, [a.sub.1] is a coefficient, which includes pendulum length and gravitational constant, and [h.sub.1] cos [omega]t is harmonical moment, enclosed at a point of support.
Key words: harmonical drive, mechanism, gear, flexible wheel distortion
If the DC bias voltages of [C.sub.out1], [C.sub.out2] are equal, then output voltage is harmonical without DC bias ([1], page 10/38).