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Words related to copartnership

a partnership in which employees get a share of the profits in addition to their wages

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The mill was making flour by April 1821, when an advertisement appears in the Gazette: LACHLAN and WATERLOO FLOUR MILLS.--Notice is hereby given, that the Copartnership entered into between William Hutchinson, Samuel Terry, Thomas William Winder, George Williams, William Leverton, and Daniel Cooper, in the above Concern, is entirely confined to the GRINDING, and BUYING, and SELLING of WHEAT and CORN; and does not extend to any other Branch or Trade or Merchandize whatsoever.
That is what the biblical metaphor of "covenanting" (Brueggemann, 1979) is all about: God's Faithful Presence with us and all of creation, in the midst of suffering, brokenness, and evil, graciously inviting and empowering us to an on-going and dynamic copartnership of love, creativity and healing.
Instead of the copartnership Lady Victoria sought, the King grants women the right to be mistresses "in their own houses and families," choose their own clothes, and "go abroad when they will" (116-17).
Last fall, after fifteen years of copartnership, the two split.
To the contrary, as Whayne suggests, regardless of their relative standing before law, "tenants and sharecroppers saw themselves as independent farmers in copartnership with planters"(199), and rejected their treatment as disposable wage hands to be evicted at the landlord's command.
Instead, it was a "limited copartnership" projected to "continue for the term of twenty-one years." Lacking corporate status, the bank's stockholders and directors feared they would become personally liable for any debts the hank incurred.