
(redirected from coparented)


Of a set of parents who were previously married or in a relationship with each other, to jointly raise their child(ren). My ex-boyfriend and I co-parent, so the kids will be with him this weekend. John co-parents with his ex-wife. I wish I could cut my cheating ex-husband out of my life entirely, but I can't because we have to co-parent our two kids.


Of a set of parents who were previously married or in a relationship with each other, the act of jointly raising their child(ren). I know co-parenting isn't always easy, but at least the kids get to spend time with both of you. A: "How's co-parenting with your ex-wife going?" B: "It's fine. We try to keep things amicable for the kids." Of course, when we got married, I didn't envision us co-parenting one day, but here we are.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Barlow, 154 P.3d 808, 819 (Utah 2007) (denying standing to seek custody and visitation to former partner of biological mother, where couple had decided to have a child together via artificial insemination and partner had coparented child since birth); Carlos A.
2009) (declining to adopt equitable parenthood doctrines and denying former lesbian partner of a child's genetic mother standing to seek custody and visitation of said child despite the fact that each woman had given birth to a child during the relationship via artificial insemination with sperm from the same donor and had coparented the children together since they were born); Jones v.
She left behind an impressive body of fiction and criticism, including her seminal 1960s essays "Notes on Camp" and "Against Interpretation." She also left behind her former life partner, photographer" Annie Leibovitz, 55, and Sarah Cameron Leibovitz, the child they coparented from her birth in 2001 until the couple's 2003 breakup.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court held recently that a court may order visitation so a child born into a lesbian family can maintain a relationship with the nonbiological mother, even over the biological mother's objection.(44) Similarly, the New Mexico Court of Appeals allowed a nonbiological lesbian mother to pursue a continued relationship with the child she coparented.(45)