casting vote

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the deciding vote cast by the presiding officer to resolve a tie

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References in periodicals archive ?
He said that only registered I-voters with having voters passes will have right of casting vote and asked all such pass holders to exercise their right of vote as early as possible.
He said the commission had also extended the date for registration of overseas Pakistanis from September 15 to September 17 for exercising their right of casting vote in bye-elections.
Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) on Sunday had granted permission to all registered overseas Pakistanis voters to have the right of casting vote in bye-election through I-voting system.
He said that the commission had also extended the date for registration of overseas Pakistanis from September 15 to September 17 for exercising their right of casting vote in by-elections.
ISLAMABAD -- Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) Friday extended the date for registration of overseas Pakistanis from September 15 to September 17 for exercising their right of casting vote in bye-elections.
Nadeem Qasim said that the commission through its official website has been trying to create awareness in overseas Pakistanis about I-Voting system and process of registration and casting vote on bye-election polling day.
NUNEATON and Bedworth Borough Council has its first ever female leader - but it took the mayor's casting vote for her to get elected.
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council has its first ever female leader -- but it took the mayor's casting vote for her to get elected.
DANCING on Ice judge Jason Gardiner is angry that Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean have been given head judge status and a casting vote.
Actually, the voting was three for and three against, with the chairman having the casting vote which went in favour of the development.
This is because Cllr Jeffries had an ordinary vote on the issue as well as a casting vote as Mayor.
SO THE big, all powerful Tesco tank crushes any opposition again as it wins by one casting vote.
Incas is regularly sending advisories and other communications to its members and well-wishers highlighting the necessity of casting vote if they happened to be in their home constituency at the time of voting.
West Midlands companies relying on the chairman's casting vote when making decisions may need to rethink their procedures following changes introduced by the new Companies Act.