block vote

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a vote proportional in magnitude to the number of people that a delegate represents

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Womack said she is still motivated to vote for Collier and will continue to recruit educators to block vote in the general election - but that she is dismayed at the evidence she's seen on how little research voters do before voting.
Roman Catholics account for around six percent of Sri Lanka's 20 million populations and their block vote is seen as crucial to secure the presidency in the January 8 vote.
"We want to have a link with not just trade unions but with millions of trade unionists and finding out how they think rather than through the prism of the block vote."
So the block vote has gone and, in any case, leaders will now openly declare that, not only will such "unhelpful" motions not become manifesto promises if they do miraculously make it past the Conference Arrangements Committee, they will in fact be ignored completely and with some enthusiasm.
In all, 46 candidates remained in the running for 16 board seats, with Finance Ministry Director General Christos Patsalides casting a block vote, representing the 18% stake of the "legacy Laiki" depositors.
PTGWO spokesperson Hernan Nicdao said the group would go for a block vote and could potentially produce 100,000 votes for each of the eight candidates.
The majority Labour Group used their 'block vote' to approve Ray Mallon's budget cuts in front-line services and jobs, resulting in a PS12.5m spending cut and an increase in council tax of just under 2%.
"It is widely suggested that extended family and kinship networks, frequently with their origins in settlement patterns in Pakistan and Bangladesh, are mobilised to secure the support of up to several hundred electors, effectively constituting a block vote."
And for two, it is no longer a contest but a political arena where countries with a grievance get the chance to kick any country they don't like in the gulags and block vote for their neighbours.
His allies believe he can win a vote to scrap the ability of unions to use their block vote to defeat the leadership.
MSP Fox is favourite to be named leader today because of support from the influential block vote of hard-liners on the left of the party.
Insiders on the BAFTA film committee report a heavy American block vote that skewed the long list of contenders, published Jan.
Despite an Asian block vote against the resolution, it was passed with 32 countries voting in favor of the inquiry, 12 against and six abstentions.