Ad specifications

We are lovers of films, series and games who combine work with passion and together we create a unique thematic website. Our team brings together specialists from various fields: Polish teachers, journalists, IT specialists, graphic designers and marketing specialists. Meet us!
  • HTML5

  • HTML5

  • Home Page forms

    • Premium Banner HP
    • Halfpage
  • Promotion forms

    • Content Banner 672x60
    • Content Banner 672x120
    • Newsletter Billboard
  • Standard forms

    • Double Billboard
    • Triple Billboard
    • Wide Billboard
    • XL Billboard
    • Triple wide
    • Halfpage
    • Box
    • Mega Box
    • Welcome Screen
    • Full Welcome Screen
    • Interstitial
    • Screening
    • Interactive Screening
    • Screening Triple
    • Screening with two vertical side banners
    • Screening with a curtain
    • Screening 360
    • Screening top layer
    • Screening Cover Up
  • Video forms

    • Double Billboard Video
    • Triple Billboard Video
    • Wideboard Video
    • Triple Wide Video
    • Box Video
    • Mega Box Video
    • Mega Box VOD
    • Half Page Video
    • Welcome Screen Video
    • Full Welcome Screen Video
    • Interstitial Video
    • Screening Video
    • Screening Triple Video
    • Screening Video with a curtain
    • Screening Video 360
    • Screening Video z Top Layerem
    • Screening Video Cover Up
  • Custom forms

    • Screening Expand Video
    • Branding Player
    • Branding Player Premium
    • Live Serach Premium
  • Pre-roll

  • Premium Video Ad

  • Sponsorship website

  • VOD

    • Top Banner VOD
    • XL Top Banner VOD
    • Premium Banner VOD
  • Mobile Interstital

  • Mobile Rectangle top/bottom

  • Mobile Triple Billboard

  • Mobile Branding Player

  • Mobile Screening

  • Mobile Paralax

  • Mobile Screening with a Curtain

  • Mobile Halfpage

  • Mobile Billboard programmatic

  • Advertisement consists of the following components:

    • HTML files
    • Style Sheets (CSS)
    • Scripts (JavaScript)
    • Graphic extension *jpeg, *gif, *png
    • Video extension *mp4, *webm
  • These files should be packed into a file with the *zip extension.

  • The site width is 1056px.

  • The header height is 112px.

  • Advertisement contains video should be default muted and the sound may be run by only of clicking on a designated video area

  • Advertisement should be responsive. Otherwise, you must provide a static version of the banner to show it on the mobile website. Details:

    • Graphic extension: *jpeg, non-transparent *gif or *png
    • Size: depends of the resolution
  • Filmweb doesn't provide ready-made components of advertisements, which are related to user interaction within HTML5 advertisement. This functionality should be provided on the side of the advertisement code.

  • For custom advertisements, Filmweb can have a additional requirements before campaign is released.

  • Internet Explorer version 10 and older not support HTML5.

  • Elements in the advertisement cannot interfere with the website work and other ads.

  • Advertisement should be correctly load in the frames.

  • The body element should have a CSS properties "margin: 0"

  • Clickable area should have a CSS properties "cursor: pointer"

  • Add JavaScript function in the <head> section:

    <script src="//"></script>

  • Add JavaScript function in the <body> section:

    <script type="text/javascript">var clickTag = "";</script>

  • Clickable area:

    <a id="clickUrl" href="#">
    <div id="clickArea"><!-- CLICK ELEMENTS OF CREATION --></div>

  • JavaScript function, which gets parameters from the URL:

    var clickArea1 = document.getElementById("clickUrl");
    clickArea1.onclick = function(){, "_blank");

Home Page forms

Premium Banner HP

  • 1. Desktop: Banner 1920x500px - important elements should be in the area of 1280px

  • The HTML5 banner may additionally contain a video file in mp4 File extension

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 360 kB + max 2,0MB

  • 2. Banner Mobile 750x300px. Advertising made in HTML should be responsive, 50kB

Premium Banner HP

Home Page forms



Promotion forms

Content Banner 672x60

  • File size: 70 kB, desktop 672x60px, mobile 600x100px

  • File extension: jpg or HTML

  • We allow the rotation of up to three different creations.

belkabaza60 belka baza mobile

Promotion forms

Content Banner 672x120

  • File size: desktop 672x120px, mobile 600x100px

  • File size: 90 kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML

  • We allow the rotation of up to three different creations.

belkabaza120 belka baza mobile

Promotion forms

Newsletter Billboard


Standard forms

Double Billboard

  • File size: 750x200px, 100kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML

  • If banner HTML doesn't scale, you should add a jpg / gif version of the same size.

Double Billboard

Standard forms

Triple Billboard

  • File size: 750x300px, 130 kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML

  • If banner HTML doesn't scale, you should add a jpg / gif version of the same size.

Triple Billboard

Standard forms

Wide Billboard

  • File size: 980x200px, 140 kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML

  • If banner HTML doesn't scale, you should add a jpg / gif version of the same size.

Wide Billboard

Standard forms

XL Billboard

  • 1. Desktop: Banner 1920x300px - important elements should be in the area of 1280px

  • The HTML5 banner may additionally contain a video file in mp4 File extension

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 360 kB + max 2,0MB; Video extension .mp4

  • 2. Banner Mobile 750x300px. Advertising made in HTML should be responsive, 50kB

XL Billboard

Standard forms

Triple wide

  • File size: 980x300px, 160 kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML

  • If banner HTML doesn't scale, you should add a jpg / gif version of the same size.

Triple wide

Standard forms



Standard forms



Standard forms

Mega Box

Mega Box

Standard forms

Welcome Screen

  • The advertising format consists of the following banners:

  • 1. Desktop 1000x500px

  • File size: max 200 kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML

  • 2. Mobile 720x1255px

  • File size: 120 kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML (In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive)

  • 3. Application 720x1255px

  • File size: 120 kB

  • File extension: jpg/png

  • Only static banners can be displayed on the application. Statistics will only be counted using IMG pixels.

  • Emission time without user interaction is max. 15 sec. If the HTML5 creation contains elements for interaction with the user and the interaction is initiated, the countdown to the end of the ad will be stopped. It will be possible to skip the advertisement by clicking the close button.

  • We allow the rotation of up to three different creations.

Welcome Screen Welcome Screen Mobile

Standard forms

Full Welcome Screen

  • The advertising format consists of the following banners:

  • 1. Desktop Banner 1000x500px

  • 1.2. Wallapaper 1920x1080px

  • File size: max 360 kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML

  • Important wallpaper elements should be located in 1280x600px area.

  • It is acceptable to send one 1920x1080px file (without a separate 1000x500px file). 1920x1080px file can be responsive, otherwise an important elements should be located in 1280x600px area.

  • 2. Mobile 720x1255px

  • File size: 120 kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML (In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive)

  • 3. Application 720x1255px

  • File size: 120 kB

  • File extension: jpg/png

  • Only static banners can be displayed on the application. Statistics will only be counted using IMG pixels.

  • We allow the rotation of up to three different creations.

Full Welcome Screen Full Welcome Screen Mobile

Standard forms


  • Desktop 1920x1080px (important elements should be in the area of 1280x600px)

  • File size: max 200 kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML

  • Emission time max. 15 sec.

  • The creative must be accompanied by a banner in JPG / HTML5 format, size 720x1255px. In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive.

Welcome Screen

Standard forms


  • File size: 1010x200 JPG/HTML + Wallpaper JPG 1920px (important elements should be in the area of 1366px)

  • File size: 360 kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML

  • The creative must be accompanied by a banner in JPG / HTML5 format, size 750x300px. In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive.


Standard forms

Interactive screening

  • File size: 1920px (important elements should be in the area of 1366px)

  • File size: 360 kB

  • File extension: HTML/JPG

  • The banner area (1010x230px) should be adapted to the above-mentioned dimensions of the HTML/JPG file.

  • The creative must be accompanied by a banner in JPG / HTML5 format, size 750x300px. In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive.

Interactive screening

Standard forms

Screening Triple

  • File size: 1010x300 JPG/HTML + Wallpaper JPG 1920px (important elements should be in the area of 1366px)

  • File size: 360 kB

  • File extension: HTML

  • The creative must be accompanied by a banner in JPG / HTML5 format, size 750x300px. In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive.

Screening Triple

Standard forms

Screening with two vertical side banners

  • File size: 1010x200 JPG/HTML + Wallpaper JPG 1920px (Important elements should be in the area of 1366px)

  • Two side banners JPG / PNG / HTML (visible on the sides of the website) 135x450px (25kB)

  • File size all: 360kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML

  • The creative must be accompanied by a banner in JPG / HTML5 format, size 750x300px. In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive.

Screening with two vertical side banners

Standard forms

Screening with a Curtain

  • The creative consists of the following elements:

  • 1. Banner 1010x200px (JPG/HTML5)

  • File size: 120 kB

  • 2. Wallpaper 1920x1080px (JPG/HTML5 - important elements should be in the area of 1366px)

  • File size: 200 kB

  • 3. Curtain 1920x1080px (JPG/HTML5) - the creative should scale to the height of the screen.

  • File size: 200 kB

  • 4. Button swipe 100x100px; 20 kB (CSS/JPG/PNG) - the button should contain a message e.g. "ROZWIŃ"

  • File size: 20 kB

  • 5. Button swipe 100x100px; 20 kB (CSS/JPG/PNG) - the button should contain a message e.g. "ZWIŃ"

  • File size: 20 kB

  • It is possible to change the width and color of the curtain edge.

  • Expanding the curtain is possible by clicking and swipe the button "ROZWIŃ" or by clicking on it

  • From the half-distance of the curtain, the button with the message "ROZWIŃ" turns into a button with the message "ZWIŃ"

  • The advertisement is broadcast on screens with a minimum width of 1280px

Screening kurtyna A Screening kurtyna B

Standard forms

Screening 360

  • The creative consists of the following elements:

  • 1. Banner 1010x200px (JPG/HTML5)

  • File size: 120 kB

  • 2. Wallpaper 1920x1080px (JPG/HTML5 - important elements should be in the area of 1366px)

  • File size: 200 kB

  • 3. Banner 1920x100px (PNG/HTML5) - important elements should be in the area of 1366px.

  • File size: 80 kB

  • The banner should cover the website in an aesthetic way, it should not blend in with it.

Screening 360

Standard forms

Screening Top Layer

  • The creative consists of the following elements:

  • 1. Banner 1010x200px (JPG/HTML5)

  • File size: 120 kB

  • 2. Wallpaper 1920x1080px (JPG/HTML5 - important elements should be in the area of 1366px)

  • File size: 200 kB

  • 3. Layer 1200x600px (JPG/PNG/HTML5)

  • File size: 150 kB

  • On the site side, the functionality of closing layer by the user will be added

Screening Top Layer Screening Top Layer

Standard forms

Screening Cover-Up

  • The creative consists of the following elements:

  • 1. Banner 1010x200px (JPG/HTML5)

  • File size: 120 kB

  • 2. Wallpaper 1920x1080px (JPG/HTML5 - important elements should be in the area of 1366px; it should be taken into account that the wallpaper will be covered on both sides of the website by banners with a width of 150px from the content)

  • File size: 200 kB

  • 3. Banner left 200x450px (JPG/PNG/HTML5)

  • File size: 100 kB

  • The banner in phase 1 will be visible above the website, after 3 seconds its 50px from the right side will hide under the website. The rest of the 150px wide creative will be visible on the left side of the website.

  • 4. Banner right 200x450px (JPG/PNG/HTML5)

  • File size: 100 kB

  • The banner in phase 1 will be visible above the website, after 3 seconds its 50px counting from its left side will hide under the website. The rest of the 150px wide creative will be visible on the right side of the website.

ScreeningCoverUp A ScreeningCoverUp B

Formy z Video

Double Billboard Video

  • File size: 750x200

  • File extension: HTML5

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 100 kB + max 2MB; Video extension .mp4

  • If banner HTML doesn't scale, you should add a jpg / gif version of the same size.

Double Billboard Video

Formy z Video

Triple Billboard Video

  • File size: 750x300

  • File extension: HTML5

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 100 kB + max 2,5MB; Video extension .mp4

  • If banner HTML doesn't scale, you should add a jpg / gif version of the same size.

Triple Billboard Video

Formy z Video

Wideboard Video

  • File size: 980x200

  • File extension: HTML5

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 100 kB + max 2MB; Video extension .mp4

  • If banner HTML doesn't scale, you should add a jpg / gif version of the same size.

Wideboard Video

Formy z Video

Triple Wide Video

  • File size: 980x300

  • File extension: HTML5

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 100 kB + max 2,5MB; Video extension .mp4

  • If banner HTML doesn't scale, you should add a jpg / gif version of the same size.

Triple Wide Video

Formy z Video

Welcome Screen Video

  • The advertising format consists of the following banners"

  • 1. Desktop 1000x500px

  • File extension: HTML5

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 200 kB + max 2,5MB; Video extension .mp4

  • 2. Mobile 720x1255px

  • File size: 120 kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML (In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive)

  • The HTML5 banner may additionally contain a video file in mp4 File extension

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size video: max 1,0MB;

  • 3. Application 720x1255px

  • File size: 120 kB

  • File extension: jpg/png

  • Only static banners can be displayed on the application. Statistics will only be counted using IMG pixels.

  • Emission time without user interaction is max. 30 sec. If the HTML5 creation contains a video player and the user, for example, turns on the voice, the countdown to the end of the ad will stop. It will be possible to skip the advertisement by clicking the close button.

  • We allow the rotation of up to three different creations.

Welcome Screen Video Welcome Screen Video Mobile

Formy z Video

Full Welcome Screen Video

  • The advertising format consists of the following banners:

  • 1. Desktop 1000x500px

  • File extension: HTML5

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 160 kB + max 2,5MB; Video extension .mp4

  • 1.2. Wallpaper 1920x1080px

  • File size: max 200 kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML

  • Important wallpaper elements should be located in 1280x600px area.

  • It is acceptable to send one 1920x1080px file (without a separate 1000x500px file). 1920x1080px file can be responsive, otherwise an important elements should be located in 1280x600px area.

  • 2. Mobile 720x1255px

  • File size: 120 kB

  • File extension: jpg or HTML (In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive)

  • The HTML5 banner may additionally contain a video file in mp4 File extension

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size video: max 1,0MB;

  • 3. Application 720x1255px

  • File size: 120 kB

  • File extension: jpg/png

  • Only static banners can be displayed on the application. Statistics will only be counted using IMG pixels.

  • Emission time without user interaction is max. 30 sec. If the HTML5 creation contains a video player and the user, for example, turns on the voice, the countdown to the end of the ad will stop. It will be possible to skip the advertisement by clicking the close button.

  • We allow the rotation of up to three different creations.

Full Welcome Screen Video Video Full Welcome Screen Video Mobile

Formy z Video

Interstitial Video

  • Desktop 1920x1080px (important elements should be in the area of 1280x600px)

  • File extension: HTML5

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. The video is played on the side of the HTML5 creative or on the website if the creative consists only of an mp4 file.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 200 kB + max 2,5MB; Video extension .mp4

  • Emission time max. 15 sec.

  • In addition to the desktop creation, you should attach a mobile banner with dimensions of 720x1255px. In the case of an HTML5 banner, the creation must be responsive. It is possible to send a vertical 9:16 video (max 1.0 MB).

Welcome Screen Mobile Interstitial

Formy z Video

Box Video

  • File size: 300x250

  • File extension: HTML5

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 100 kB + max 1,5MB; Video extension .mp4

Box Video

Formy z Video

Mega Box Video

  • File size: 500x300

  • File extension: HTML5

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 100 kB + max 2,5MB; Video extension .mp4

Mega Box Video

Formy z Video

Mega Box VOD

  • File size: 620x350

  • File extension: HTML5

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. The video is played on the side of the HTML5 creative or on the website if the creative consists only of an mp4 file.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 100 kB + max 3MB; Video extension .mp4

  • If banner HTML doesn't scale, you should add a jpg / gif version of the same size.

Mega Box VOD

Formy z Video

Half Page Video

  • File size: 300x600

  • File extension: HTML5

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 100 kB + max 1,5MB; Video extension .mp4

Half Page Video

Formy z Video

Screening Video

  • File size: 1010x200 HTML5 + wallpaper jpg 1920px

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 360 kB + max 2,0MB; Video extension .mp4

  • The creative must be accompanied by a banner in JPG / HTML5 format, size 750x300px. In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive.

Screening Video

Formy z Video

Screening Triple Video

  • File size: 1010x300 HTML5 + wallpaper jpg 1920px

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 360 kB + max 2,0MB; Video extension .mp4

  • The creative must be accompanied by a banner in JPG / HTML5 format, size 750x300px. In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive.

Screening Triple Video

Formy z Video

Screening Video z kurtyną

  • The creative consists of the following elements:

  • 1. Banner 1010x200px (JPG/HTML5)

  • File size: 120 kB

  • 2. Wallpaper 1920x1080px (JPG/HTML5 - important elements should be in the area of 1366px)

  • File size: 200 kB

  • 3. Kurtyna 1920x1080px (HTML5) - the creative should scale to the height of the screen.

  • File size: 200 kB

    • Video is allowed in the Curtain creation:

    • File size max 3,5MB

    • File extension mp4

    • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

    • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

    • Video after the first playback can be played again only after the conscious action of the user

    • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • 4. Button swipe 100x100px; 20 kB (CSS/JPG/PNG) - the button should contain a message e.g. "ROZWIŃ"

  • File size: 20 kB

  • 5. Button swipe 100x100px; 20 kB (CSS/JPG/PNG) - the button should contain a message e.g. "ZWIŃ"

  • File size: 20 kB

  • It is possible to change the width and color of the curtain edge.

  • Expanding the curtain is possible by clicking and swipe the button "ROZWIŃ" or by clicking on it.

  • From the half-distance of the curtain, the button with the message "ROZWIŃ" turns into a button with the message "ZWIŃ".

  • The advertisement is broadcast on screens with a minimum width of 1280px

Screening Kurtyna Screening Kurtyna

Formy z Video

Screening Video 360

  • The creative consists of the following elements:

  • 1. Banner 1010x200px (HTML5)

  • File size: 120 kB

    • Video is allowed in the creative:

    • File size max 2,5MB

    • File extension mp4

    • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

    • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

    • Video after the first playback can be played again only after the conscious action of the user

    • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • 2. Wallpaper 1920x1080px (JPG/HTML5 - important elements should be in the area of 1366px)

  • File size: 200 kB

  • 3. Banner 1920x100px (PNG/HTML5) - important elements should be in the area of 1366px.

  • File size: 80 kB

  • The banner should cover the website in an aesthetic way, it should not blend in with it.

Screening 360

Formy z Video

Screening Video Top Layer

  • The creative consists of the following elements:

  • 1. Banner 1010x200px (HTML5)

  • File size: 120 kB

    • Video is allowed in the creative:

    • File size max 2,5MB

    • File extension mp4

    • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

    • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

    • Video after the first playback can be played again only after the conscious action of the user

    • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • 2. Wallpaper 1920x1080px (JPG/HTML5 - important elements should be in the area of 1366px)

  • File size: 200 kB

  • 3. Layer 1200x600px (JPG/PNG/HTML5)

  • File size: 150 kB

  • On the site side, the functionality of closing layer by the user will be added

Screening Top Layer Screening Top Layer

Formy z Video

Screening Video Cover-Up

  • The creative consists of the following elements:

  • 1. Banner 1010x200px (HTML5)

  • File size: 120 kB

    • Video is allowed in the creative:

    • File size max 2,5MB

    • File extension mp4

    • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

    • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

    • Video after the first playback can be played again only after the conscious action of the user

    • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • 2. Wallpaper 1920x1080px (JPG/HTML5 - important elements should be in the area of 1366px; it should be taken into account that the wallpaper will be covered on both sides of the website by banners with a width of 150px from the content)

  • File size: 200 kB

  • 3. Banner left 200x450px (JPG/PNG/HTML5)

  • File size: 100 kB

  • The banner in phase 1 will be visible above the website, after 3 seconds its 50px from the right side will hide under the website. The rest of the 150px wide creative will be visible on the left side of the website.

  • 4. Banner right 200x450px (JPG/PNG/HTML5)

  • File size: 100 kB

  • The banner in phase 1 will be visible above the website, after 3 seconds its 50px counting from its left side will hide under the website. The rest of the 150px wide creative will be visible on the right side of the website.

Screening Cover up Screening Cover up

Custom forms

Screening Expand Video

  • The creative consists of the following elements:

    • 1. Banner HTML5 (1010x200px; expand to max 1010x700px)
    • 2. Video downloaded by an HTML5 creative
    • 3. Wallpaper JPG (1920px, important elements should be in the area of 1366px)
    • 4. The creative must be accompanied by a banner in JPG / HTML5 format, size 750x300px. In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive.
  • File size without video: 350kB

  • Video extension mp4,File size max 3MB

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • Functions necessary for the proper functioning of the creation:

    function expandVideo() {
    window.parent.postMessage("pub_ist_expand_44747", "*");

  • he expandVideo() function should be called after clicking on the expand button

    function closeExpandVideo() {
    window.parent.postMessage("pub_ist_collapse_44747", "*");

  • When you click close button should be called closeExpandVideo() function, which returns the banner to the original size 1010x200px

  • When you click close button video should be stopped and muted

Screening Expand Video Screening Expand Video

Custom forms

Branding Player

  • File size: 1024x60px (top bar) i 1024x100px (down bar)
  • File size: 60 kB (top bar) i 80 kB (down bar)
  • File extension: jpg or HTML
Branding Player

Custom forms

Branding Player Premium

  • File size: 1920x750px - important elements should be in the area of 1366px taking into account the space for the video player 850x617px
  • File size: 200kB
  • File extension: jpg or HTML
  • The creative must be accompanied by a banner in JPG / HTML5 format, size 600x100px. In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive.
Branding Player Premium

Custom forms

Live search Premium

    • The creative consists of the following elements:
    • 1. Screening 270:
    • 1.1. Background 1920x1080px (JPG) - important elements should be in the area of 1280px; File size: 150kB
    • 1.2. Banner 1920x100px (JPG/PNG) - important elements should be in the area of 1280px; File size: 80kB
    • 1.3. Banner mobile 600x100px (JPG); File size: 50kB
    • 2. Rectangles
    • 2.1. Desktop 496x248px (JPG); File size: 70kB
    • 2.2. Mobile 640x320px (JPG); File size: 80kB
    Screen: desktop:
Live search Premium Desktop
    Screen: mobile:
Live search Premium Mobile
  • Spot length: max 30 seconds

  • Proportions 16:9

  • File extension : *mp4 or code in the VAST standard

  • 24 - 30 fps

  • File size max 5MB

  • Skip is possible after 1/2 spot's length

  • In the case of a VAST standard, we require to include the "skipoffset" parameter in the ad code to allow the skip of the Video Ad

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • The advertisement is displayed on the desktop and mobile version of the website:

  • 1. Desktop 16:9

  • 2. Mobile 16:9 or 9:16

  • 3. Application, 720x1255px, 120kB. Only static banners can be displayed on the application. Statistics will only be counted using IMG pixels.

  • Preferred file size 10-50MB - the file will be adjusted to the target weight on the Publisher's side

  • File extension pliku: *mp4, H.264 codec

  • Emission time max. 30 sec.

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

Full Welcome Screen Full Welcome Screen Mobile

Sponsorship website

  • The advertising form consists of 6 creations:

    • 1. Banner before expansion 1920x120px, 120kB
    • 2. Banner after expansion 1920x300px, 160kB
    • 3. Scrolling banner 1920x60px, 80kB
    • 4. Button with text 'ROZWIŃ' 120x40px, 20kB
    • 5. Button with text 'ZWIŃ 120x40px, 20kB
    • 6. Mobile bannner 600x100px, 40kB
  • File extension: HTML/jpg

  • Video is allowed in the 1920x300 HTML creative on the desktop; max size 2MB

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • After the first preview video can be replayed only by user interaction

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • Button will be located like as the following visualization

  • Desktop Screen:

  • Baza Baza Baza
  • Mobile Screen:

  • Baza-mobile

Formy reklamowe na sekcji VOD

Top Banner VOD

  • 1. Desktop: Banner 1920x320px - important elements should be in the area of 1280px

  • The HTML5 banner may additionally contain a video file in mp4 File extension

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 320 kB + max 2,0MB; Video extension .mp4

  • 2. Banner Mobile 640x560px. Advertising made in HTML should be responsive, 100kB

VOD-Desktop VOD-Desktop


XL Top Banner VOD

  • 1. Desktop: Banner 1920x440px - important elements should be in the area of 1280px

  • 112px from the top of the banner surface should not contain significant background elements due to the website menu. The gradient under the menu will be added on the site side. Final acceptance of graphics possible after tests.

  • The HTML5 banner may additionally contain a video file in mp4 File extension

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 320 kB + max 2,0MB; Video extension .mp4

  • 2. Banner Mobile 640x560px. Advertising made in HTML should be responsive, 100kB

VOD-Desktop VOD-Desktop

Formy reklamowe na sekcji VOD

Premium Banner VOD

  • 1. Desktop: Banner 1920x300px (max height 400px) - important elements should be in the area of 1280px

  • The HTML5 banner may additionally contain a video file in mp4 File extension

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: 360 kB + max 2,0MB

  • 2. Banner Mobile 750x300px. Advertising made in HTML should be responsive, 50kB

  • An advertising form displayed over the website content and scaled to the screen size

  • File size:

    • portrait 720x1255 px
  • File size: do 120 kB

  • File extension: jpg/gif/png or HTML5

  • In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive

  • Additional comments: The full-screen banner closes automatically after 15 seconds or after the user closes (the closing button is embedded on the website's side in the upper right corner of the creative).

Mobile Interstital
  • File size: jpg 600x500 px, HTML 300x250 px

  • File size: max 60 kB

  • File extension: jpg/gif/png or HTML5

  • In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive

Mobile Rectangle góra/dół Mobile Rectangle góra/dół
  • File size: 750x300 px

  • File size: 50 kB

  • File extension: jpg/gif/png or HTML5

  • In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive

  • The HTML5 banner may additionally contain a video file

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size wideo: max 1,0MB

Mobile Triple Billboard
  • File size: 600x100px

  • File size: 40 kB

  • File extension: jpg/gif/png or HTML5

  • In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive

Mobile Triple Billboard
  • The creative consists of the following elements:

  • 1. Triple billboard 750x300

  • File size: 750x300px

  • File size: max 50 kB

  • 2. Banner 600x100px

  • File size: max 40 kB

  • - File extension: jpg/gif/png or HTML5

  • In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive.

  • The Mobile screening consists of a triple billboard located above the website menu and a 600x100px bar, which is located depending on the website:

  • Home Page - above the NEWS category

  • Mobile Interstitial
  • content - over the ratings

  • Mobile Interstitial
  • File size: 300x535px - important elements should be in the area of 300x400px

  • File size: 80 kB

  • File extension: jpg/gif/png

  • The advertisement is broadcast under the content of the website with the rectangle slot in the following size:: 300x250px

  • Visualisation: Home Page

  • Mobile Interstitial
  • Visualisation: Content

  • Mobile Interstitial
  • The creative consists of the following elements:

  • 1. Triple billboard 750x300

  • File size: 750x300px

  • File size: max 50 kB

  • 2. Curtain

  • An advertising form displayed over the website content and scaled to the screen size

  • File size: 720x1255px

  • File size: max 120 kB

  • - File extension: jpg/gif/png or HTML5

  • In the case of HTML5, the creative is required to be responsive.

  • The curtain in HTML5 format may contain a video player.

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: max 1,0MB

  • 3. Button swipe 100x50px, 10kB (JPG/PNG)- the button should contain a message e.g. "ROZWIŃ"

  • 4. Button zwijania 100x50px, 10kB (JPG/PNG) - the button should contain a message e.g. "ZWIŃ"

  • Expanding the curtain is possible by clicking and swipe the button "ROZWIŃ" or by clicking on it.

  • Mobile Kurtyna Mobile Kurtyna
  • File size: 300x600px

  • File size: 130 kB

  • File extension: jpg/gif/png or HTML5

  • Halfpage in HTML5 format may contain a video player

  • Video in the form of an mp4 file. Playing the video is on the side of the HTML5 creation.

  • Sound is activated after clicking on the click area

  • Buttons stop/play, mute/unmute in video player

  • Video after the first preview can be replayed only after users action

  • Video volume -23 LUFS

  • File size: max 1,0MB

Mobile Triple Billboard
  • File size: 320x100px

  • File size: 50 kB

  • File extension: jpg/png

Mobile Triple Billboard

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