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X4: Foundations
X Rebirth VR
X Rebirth
X³: Albion Prelude
Classifica Giocatori
X³: Terran Conflict
X³: Reunion
X²: La Minaccia
X: BtF

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Bridging the gap between the old and the new universe: X³: Albion Prelude

A Bridge Between the Old and New X Universe
X³: Albion Prelude plays in a time between the old and the new X Universe. It shows a universe in flux, and prepares players for things to come. The old X Universe is passing; a new X Universe is about to be created.

The X universe is undergoing a period of massive change. What started as a conflict of interest between the Earth and the races of the X Universe has now escalated into a full scale war. Play a part in a war scenario bigger than anything the X Universe has ever seen before!

Corporations Compete for Control of the Future
With the war as a backdrop, corporations are vying for power and are driving the X Universe in a new direction. A technological breakthrough will soon allow massive accelerators, forming highways in space and allowing the economy to expand on an unprecedented scale. Highways, a key feature of X Rebirth, are not yet ready, but you can see them being built and participate in the power struggles around the construction of much larger self sustaining economies.

Feature overview
  • A new plot throws you into the power struggle between corporations at a time of war.
  • More than 30 new ships and stations
  • New Stock Exchange feature allows advanced investment strategies
  • Improved graphics quality setting for high end machines
  • Improved UI introducing charts to visualize economic developments
  • Support for head tracking

  • Note: X³: Albion Prelude will not be compatible with Save Games from X³: Terran Conflict.

    Available on Steam
    X³: Albion Prelude will be available December 15th on Steam for direct download in English, German, and French languages (voice) and Italian (text only).
    If you buy the X: Superbox, or already own it, X³: Albion Prelude will be available as a free download via Steam.

    Available for Mac
    A standalone version of X³: Albion Prelude will be available from the MAC Appstore and Deliver2Mac soon.


    02.Jul.24 Beta Pubblica 7.10 ora disponibile
    Quando una beta finisce, un'altra comincia: eccoci di nuovo qui! Dopo l'ottima accoglienza dell'aggiornamento gratuito 7.00 per X4: Foundations, ci stiamo già tuffando nei preparativi per il prossimo aggiornamento. Attendiamo il vostro supporto nella Beta Pubblica 7.10, ora disponibile....

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    20.Jun.24 L'Aggiornamento 7.00 di X4: Foundations e X4: Timelines sono ora disponibili
    Egosoft è lieta di celebrare il rilascio dell'attesissimo aggiornamento 7.00 per X4: Foundations, assieme alla nuovissima espansione X4: Timelines. Questi aggiornamenti apportano una grande quantità di nuovi contenuti e miglioramenti all'acclamato gioco di simulazione spaziale sandbox, offrendo sia ai giocatori veterani che ai nuovi arrivati un'esperienza di gioco arricchita....

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    14.Jun.24 Disponibile da oggi la colonna sonora ufficiale di X4: Timelines
    Imbarcatevi in uno straordinario viaggio uditivo con la colonna sonora di X4: Timelines, una squisita raccolta di musiche, creata dal rinomato compositore della serie di X Alexei Zakharov. Questa colonna sonora accompagna l'espansione 2024, X4: Timelines, parte del celebre universo X4 di Egosoft....

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    13.Jun.24 7.00 RC1 now available
    This is it! Only 7 days to go before 7.00 and X4: Timelines are released on June 20th, 2024. To take us into the final stretch, 7.00 RC1 ("Release Candidate") is now available to download....

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    11.Jun.24 Exciting Events Ahead: Reddit AMA, Live Stream, Soundtrack Preview & More!
    We are excited to share some important dates leading up to the release of our new expansion, X4: Timelines, and our major, free X4: Foundations 7.00 update. Here are the details:...

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