Name Class Effects
Magic MissileWizardLaunch a missile of magic energy, dealing 1115 to 1561 damage.
Arcane WindWizardUnleash a blast of wind in a direction, dealing 1567 damage and knockingback enemies. Charging longer increases range, knockback distance, and damage up to 2090. Deals 50% increased damage to Burning enemies.
ScorchWizardLaunch a flaming orb that deals 1110 damage and knocks away enemies, leaving a Burning trail that deals 960 damage over 6 seconds.
TeleportWizardTeleport forward. Maximum 3 charges.
Ice CrystalWizardConjure a giant ice crystal at a nearby location, where it will deal 1912 damage to all nearby enemies over 12 seconds and inflict 30% Chill. When the crystal expires, it will shatter for 910 damage to all nearby enemies and inflict 80% Chill for 6 seconds. Activate again to shatter the crystal immediately. Beams of energy striking the crystal will be refracted and strike multiple nearby targets for reduced damage.
DisintegrateWizardChannel a beam of pure energy in a direction, continually dealing 425 damage to all enemies caught in the beam and causing them to take 2% increased damage for 1.5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. Using Disintegrate slowly consumes its energy, which recovers while Disintegrate is not in use.
Lightning NovaWizardHurl 10 balls of lightning away from you in all directions, dealing 906 damage as they pass outward and again as they return to your new location. Limit 6 hits per target. Hits 2 and beyond on a target deal only 25% damage.
ElectrocuteWizardArc lightning from your fingertips, dealing 613 to 815 damage to the first enemy struck, and then leaping to 3 additional enemies for 30% as much damage.
Black HoleWizardConjure a black hole for 3 seconds at a location, which will pull in all nearby enemies and deal 582 damage over 3 seconds.
MeteorWizardSummon an immense meteor that plummets from the sky, dealing 887 damage and Stunning all enemies in the impact area for 3 seconds. The ground it hits is scorched, Burning enemies for 744 damage over 6 seconds.
Ice ArmorWizardSurround yourself in a barrier of ice for 8 seconds that absorbs up to 2548 damage. When the barrier expires, it will shatter for 367 damage to all nearby enemies and inflict 40% Chill for 6 seconds. Activate again to shatter the barrier immediately.
Arcane TorrentWizardChannel a barrage of arcane projectiles, each dealing 143 damage to all enemies in an area. Using Arcane Torrent slowly consumes its energy, which recovers while Arcane Torrent is not in use.
Slow TimeWizardInvoke a bubble of warped time and space for 6.3 seconds at a location, reducing the attack and movement speeds of affected enemies by 80%, and slowing the movement of enemy projectiles by 80%. The attack and movement speed reduction effects are reduced by 50% against players.
Ray of FrostWizardChannel a beam of frost in a direction, continually dealing 562 damage to all enemies caught in the beam and inflicting 12% Chill for 1.5 to 4 seconds, stacking up to 6 times. Using Ray of Frost slowly consumes its energy, which recovers while Ray of Frost is not in use.
CleaveBarbarianUnleash a powerful attack that deals 1737 damage to all enemies in front of you, and causes them to Bleed for 585 damage over 3 seconds. Maximum 3 charges.
Hammer of the AncientsBarbarianCall forth a massive hammer which smashes enemies in front of you for 1567 damage and shakes the earth itself, dealing 312 additional damage over 2 seconds.
LacerateBarbarianLaunch a series of attacks that deal 1239 to 1784 damage with each hit. Every third hit heals you for 15% of damage done.
SprintBarbarianIncrease your movement speed by 50% for 4.75 seconds. Upon activation, movement-impairing effects are removed.
Furious ChargeBarbarianCharge forward, knocking away all enemies in your path and dealing 1101 damage. Maximum 3 charges. Players may only be affected once every 3 seconds by this skill.
LeapBarbarianLeap to a location, dealing 880 damage to all nearby enemies where you land and reducing their movement speed by 50% for 4 seconds. Each full life enemy struck by Leap will reduce Leap's cooldown by 1 second.
Chained SpearBarbarianHurl 3 chained spears that deal 1011 damage and then return, dragging impaled enemies back to you and dealing another 252 damage.
FrenzyBarbarianLaunch a frenzied attack for 689 damage. Each hit increases Frenzy's attack speed by 8% for 3 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
DemoralizeBarbarianRelease a ferocious shout that forces nearby monsters to attack you, deals 511 damage to all nearby enemies, and reduces their damage done by 30% for 6 seconds.
Ground StompBarbarianSmash the ground, Stunning nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds and dealing 710 damage. Charging longer increases range and Stun duration up to 3 seconds.
Undying RageBarbarianEnter a rage for 4 seconds that prevents you from dying and causes all your attacks to heal you for 30% of damage done. Undying Rage will activate automatically when you take fatal damage.