yereverluvinuncleber's avatar


Widgets of some Worldwide repute
734 Deviations
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It should never have had to be like this by Small-Brown-Dog, journal

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Design & Interfaces
  • Oct 1
  • United Kingdom
  • Deviant for 12 years
My Bio
My alter ego is yereverluvinunclebert. You'll find me around the web. Where you find steampunk design I won't be far away.

I focus on Steampunk Design, why do I do it?

Well, I can't bear the look and feel of current desktop computing being so locked into a 1980s 'modern' paradigm. Current GUIs deriving mostly from Microsoft's efforts have a basis in the GUIs from the late 80s and early 90s and despite the regular changes they still haven't moved on much. Do you run XP, Vista, Win 7, 8 or 10? Well, if you do, that means under the skin you are still running NT5 or 6, all basically the same fundamental o/s. The only real differentiator is the GUI that MS foists upon you. Now, a GUI is a GUI and should not be confused with the underlying operating system. You should be able to decide which style of GUI you want to run.

A GUI should be independent of the o/s or at the very least the o/s ought to be very easy to theme and to customise as you wish. This just isn't the case with any Microsoft operating system as the default 'look and feel' provided with the os is really the only thing that really sets it apart from the previous version.

You'll see a massive example of this with Metro or Material Design, the UI that comes with Windows 8 & 10. The underlying os is still good old NT6 and operates much in the same way that Win7 does. However, the whole user interface has been modified to try to get you to use live tiles on the desktop as you would on a Windows phone, to make you use 'apps' rather than programs as you would on the desktop. This schizophrenic approach to a desktop o/s is hoisted upon you as Microsoft has no decent tablet-centric o/s and instead are trying to squish Windows onto tablets - it isn't working, look at the death of windows phone and even more recently, the death of Windows on tablets. They are trying to get you to adopt a new GUI so that you conform to the business plan they have in mind for Windows. That business plan is now a failed model but you, the consumer is still suffering for it.

My aim is to help you break out of this corporate mindset and to think of desktop customisation as a natural thing to do, much in the same way that you decorate and design your home, make the desktop your place to live, to work and operate.

So, with this in mind, I set out to create a series of wallpapers, widgets and icons for an o/s interface that meets the aims and needs of a small but thoroughly dedicated group of chaps and ladies known as steampunkers.

I have set out my steampunk design skills in this way to demonstrate what I can do.

Whether or not you are a steampunker yourself, with these widgets and icons you can thoroughly steampunk your desktop.

You may use any of my images in any of your own creations but commercially only with my permission. In all cases I require a credit using my name or pseudonym - and in addition a link to my DA account or my own site.

Do me a favour and don't send me a Lllama. I don't know what these bloody Llama things are for in any case and I don't give them myself. IF anyone can enlighten me as to something concrete that I can do with them I'll be pleased to hear it.

Favourite Visual Artist
John Constable, John Tenniel
Favourite Movies
Zulu, Battle of Britain
Favourite TV Shows
BBC's The League of Gentleman, Game of Thrones
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Undertones, Imogen Heap, Punk Rock and Eighties synth-pop.
Favourite Books
Alice Through the Looking Glass, The Third Policeman
Favourite Writers
H G Wells, Shakespeare, Lewis Carroll, Flann O'Brien
Favourite Games
Colonial Conquest, Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds, Rome Total War I
Favourite Gaming Platform
Windows 7 64bit & XP Pro 32bit
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, soldering iron, Konfabulator, javascript, VB6, pen tablet, brain.
Other Interests
Quad amplifiers, history, Triumph Spitfires, beer, stilton and port.
I just briefly tried to return to DA after an absence of a year or so from DA and I find it is just as bad as I feared. The Eclipse project really was that, bringing DeviantArt's usefulness to an end. A darkness, an ending, an eclipse to the brightness that once was. The site is SO slow. Editing is terribly painful, navigating feels as if you are walking with an anvil attached to your leg. I had been keeping a few of my old blogs updated but I feel it is time to dispense with DA altogether and create my own site where I am not weighed down with the crap that has been layered onto poor old DeviantArt. My poor Intel i7 and 64mbs line wasn't enough for DA, it is as slow as any site I have ever visited on the internet. Like meeting an old girlfriend who hasn't aged well, DA is looking and feeling old, dark and tired round the eyes after all that plastic surgery. Well, at least it is has spurred me onto better things. TTFN DA.
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Goodnight everyone! Goodbye from me to you and Deviantart! We'll be seeing you...
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Profile Comments 536

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Thank you so much. So far I have made my computer look nice by using your great works. Very beautiful and I especially like that envelope icon:). Thank you

Pleased. I am working on completing SteamyDock, my dock utility that will come with all my icons packaged into one tool. Will also give you a Mac os/x type dock fully steampunked.

You are one of a kind and it continues to impress me.

Happy Birthday Dean!
Happy Birthday Dean by LeaWiggins