YataMaru on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yatamaru/art/OPEN-Adoptable-Auction-757-1070456979YataMaru

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[OPEN] Adoptable Auction #757



Adoptable Auction Owner #1 : Feral-Scale Owner #2 : LinkVagar

Owner #3 : salem1028

Owner #4 :

SB: $30 (Commercial use $35) MIN: $3 AB: $85 (+ Headshot /1-4 day )

AB2: $90(+ Headshot + Chibi /1-4 day ) AB3: $150 (+ Chibi Character sheet & Headshot /1-4 day ) [Please READ] - Please prepare money Before the auction starts - It is not permitted to cancel the auction when the auction is closed. - When end of Auction Please reply to note or reply comment within 24 hours for payment. Adoptable Rules - Please do not resell for a higher price. - Gift/OTA is OK. Payment - Paypal [ USD ONLY ] auction will close : 20.00 (Gmt+7) after SB The winner will get - PNG File without background My toyhouse : toyhou.se/YataMaru

Image size
2202x1377px 1.36 MB
© 2024 YataMaru
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<BID HERE #4 >