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Noiser Note v1.1.0 for Rainmeter [WIP]




Noiser Note v1.1.0 changelog:
    > New color options (Purple, Yellow, Blue and Green besides the default Pink).
    > Correction of visual defects.

How to change color:
In Noiser folder(you can find problably in the path .../Documents/Rainmeter/Skins) go through .../minimal/notes and open the files full and mini with your text editor. 
In full, find the line ImageName=colors/notesarea-purple.png, just change the word purple to the name of the color you wanna (in lowercases).
In mini, find the line ImageName=colors/background-purple.png, do the same procedure.

Noiser Github repository here: Link

Main Reference: Link

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Felipe00551's avatar

After changing the color, my text disappear. I already checked the my.notes file, but the text is there :/