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The Darkening of Erasmus v1

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The Darkening of Erasmus v2 by Th3DutchZombi3

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Erasmus was known throughout the land for his wisdom and knowledge, but it was his possession of a strange tome that was whispered about in hushed tones. The tome seemed to glow with an otherworldly light, and its pages were said to contain knowledge that was forbidden for mortals to possess.

Erasmus had been seeking the knowledge contained within the tome for years, driven by a desire to unlock its secrets and harness its power. But as he gazed down at the glowing pages, he felt a chill run down his spine. There was a darkness within that he had not foreseen, and he knew that the knowledge he sought came with a great price

Erasmus continued to study the tome relentlessly, eager to gain access to the forbidden knowledge contained within. But with each passing day, he felt the tome's power slowly consuming him, seeping into his mind and corrupting his soul.

As time went on, Erasmus became more and more obsessed with the tome, spending all of his waking hours pouring over its pages. The other mages in the Great Library of Magic began to fear him, whispering that he had been consumed by the darkness within the tome.

Erasmus ignored their warnings, convinced that he was on the brink of unlocking the tome's true power. But as he delved deeper into its pages, he began to feel a growing sense of dread. He knew that he was no longer in control, that the darkness within the tome had taken hold of him.

One day, as Erasmus sat studying the tome, a wave of dark energy rippled outwards, consuming everything in its path. The other mages tried to stop him, but it was too late. Erasmus had become a slave to the darkness within the tome, and now he was unstoppable.

As he unleashed his newfound power upon the world, Erasmus cackled with glee, relishing in the destruction he wrought. But deep down, he knew that he was no longer the wise old mage he once was. He had been consumed by the very knowledge he sought, and now he was nothing more than a pawn in the tome's dark game.

In the end, it was said that Erasmus was consumed by his own power, destroyed by the very tome he had sought to control. The tome was never seen again, but rumors persisted that it still existed, waiting for a new seeker to unlock its secrets and fall victim to its darkness.
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