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Daily Deviation

July 7, 2024
Rippling Ribbons by SylviaRitter
Featured by LukasFractalizator
SylviaRitter's avatar

Rippling Ribbons

466.2K Views1 Collected Privately

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Many thanks for the Daily Deviation LukasFractalizator ! :hug:

Once again, I participated in the Paint Over Fast Competition at Revision 2024. We had 24 hours to finish the artwork (including sleep and breaks).

Many thanks to my wonderful friend and illustrator mouldyCat for providing the chaos picture .

Rippling Ribbons won the 2nd place . Thank you .

Created with Krita and Alchemy. Copyright © 2024 Sylvia Ritter.

Image size
1920x1080px 1.71 MB
© 2024 SylviaRitter
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