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I was a little skeptical about playing Bioshock Infinite, from the previews I thought I'd miss the horror/macabre aspect of 1&2 and I felt the iconography was lost in character design when the Little Sister / Big Daddy duo were replaced by some awfully pretty people. I was like "Great, it's going to be some fluffy save-the-girl/probable-love-interest crap..."

Happily, I was proven wrong. For starters I didn't miss the horror at all because this is probably the most beautiful game I've ever played as far as real-time graphics go. Just walking through Columbia in the first couple of chapters made me want to sit there and take screenshots for a few minutes. As the game progresses the horror aspect does return and the Dewitt/Elizabeth dynamic develop plenty of character. Finally if you're familiar with the story, although rushed it's pretty stellar. :]

I'm also a big fan of run-and-gun FPS games, so the skyline in the battle system felt pretty baller, added with the Charge Vigor the whole thing was like rush down city! This with the fact that re-positioning was so easy I don't know why anyone would carry anything other than a Sniper/Shotgun... Although I only blitzed through the game on Hard, haven't poked at 1999-mode yet.
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MatthewDavidGonzales's avatar
If only they'd ended up in Paris.