Pixennon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pixennon/art/275-Characters-auction-CLOSED-1059663103Pixennon

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#275 Characters auction [CLOSED]




- As always the final owner can use, change or ignore this info - #275 Paymor [CLOSED] trezdrakara Contents of the bag: someone's horn (cut off in battle or given voluntarily?), dices of a fortuneteller or a swindler, a smoking pipe, a strange sphere in which some shadows live, a keychain in the shape of a dragon (a gift from someone or for someone?), a book of magic from which tried to scrape the word “magic” and a flask with an obscure elixir.

About: His blood is blue; he began to lose his sight (his familiar is his guide in some cases).

The winner will get look at TOYHOUSE

SB: 20 EUR | MI: 2 EUR | AB: 410 EUR *ABs include commercial use Auction at FA Please bid below. Also please check FA before betting if possible (in case I'm not aware) if there is a previous bet.

  • Only Paypal

  • The auction ends 72h after first bid.

  • Snipe guard 4h.

  • The payment must be done 48h. after the invoice was sent.

  • The holds and Pay Plans are posible. To the habitual buyers, without any type of problem. To new buyers, please ask.

  • Extras completion time up to two months (depending on complexity)

  • When the winner doesn´t respond or 48 hours pass after the invoice is sent (applicable to the holds time as well), the auction will reopen.

For all the Greek gods I beg you don´t fake bid or bid if you´re not sure of being able to pay TOS

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7659x3658px 14.43 MB
© 2024 Pixennon
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#275 Paymor [OPEN]

Please bid below as reply:

The auction is end june 6 at 23:00 CEST
