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_strange feeling



Hello everyone :)

I made this screenie some time ago ... hope you like it, it's not my monitor unfortunately.

Lately I just fav some stuff ... I cant stay here too long because I have a lot of study everyday. But I'm gonna come back soon.

Thank you all for the comments and favs ... Cheers, dudes! :lolly:

wallpaper by ~jsz

ps: I don't know where the the image coming from, sorry.

ps2: Sorry my english, I didnt use Google Trad :lol:

ps3: [only pt] Tenho um material novo pra compartilhar com a galera, o que falta é organizar e deixar "compartilhavel" ;)
Image size
1920x1080px 2.58 MB
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ice-k's avatar
Perfect shot :D