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I tried to submit one of my submission but DA noted nme that target folder is oversized...

I met the same problem — here and on some other groups. I think this is one of the methods used by DA staff for gradually reducing the importance of the group system and monitoring themselves what they want to be seen or not.

Sorry foır my late vresponse but, what do you suggest to do dear friend?

I fear there is very little to do, my friend. The problem seems to affect some groups more or less randomly, possibly those which are in autopilot.

ever though of adding a folder for writings/literature? Rudolph Beyond The Stars,Rudolph Beyond The StarsFrom the Screenplay by Kenneth Casteel Jr., with additional writing by Alex D.Based on Characters by Clement Clarke Moore, Robert Louis May and Michael AschnerRetold by Alex D.==========A young reindeer buck takes one last glance at the village he had once called home. The celebrations within such didn’t matter to him. In fact, they had angered him. His dream, stolen. Popularity, gone. Friends and family, none. Only one thing was on his mind; revenge.==========Through the frozen north he wandered, until eventually he met a pack of wolves. In time, they all came together to plan the young buck's revenge.==========Over a week later, and the village hardly noticed who was missing. Everyone within was busy with different jobs. It was Santa’s Village after all. Rest and pleasure was short at the North Pole. Elves had toys to make and goodies to prepare among several jobs, lists needed to be checked, letters needed to be read and reindeer were training and staying as well as possible for when Christmas Eve came again.==========Among the reindeer was Rudolph, who had become a hero for his leadership and pure heart back on Christmas Eve. His bright red nose had led the way for Santa through a snowstorm that was hard to see through, and his pure heart had melted the cold one of the ice queen, Stormella. He now had many friends across the snowy north, including a doefriend named Zoey. She had always been there for him when he needed comfort and hope, making his heart glow as bright as his nose. His love for her was so strong, he would do anything to keep her safe.==========But Zoey wanted to fly like Rudolph so badly, even if she wouldn’t join Rudolph at his side every Christmas Eve. Rudolph and his father, Blitzen, had been teaching her in their free time, but she always seemed to simply leap high before she made a stumbling landing.“You’re getting better every time.” Rudolph would always say. “We just need to work on believing you can stay up longer and channeling joy into your gallops in order to run through the air..”==========But Zoey was restless, too restless. One night, she snuck out into the same wilderness she had set out into over a month ago, this time to try and fly on her own. Little did she know a storm was brewing, one Stormella never planned.==========As hard as she may try she just couldn't figure out how to fly. Over and over she dashed into the sky only to be met but the cruel gravity sent her back to the ground. For hours she tried, the storm getting worse all the while. As hard as she tried she just couldn't get off the ground. As the storm raged overhead she took one final leap into the sky as a strong draft blew into her, sending the young doe flying into the flurry of darkness and snow.She yelled for help as the northern winds took her far from her home into the deep mountains, as she crashed into the snow below.==========Out of the chilling snow her head popped as she took in the white wilderness surrounding her. "Where am I" she thought. Nothing looked familiar, the trees seemingly giant to the little doe, nothing in sight but emptiness and white.Getting up she yelped as pain shot up her right hind leg, she looked back, her leg hurt to walk on, but there was no sign of injury. The storm ˚winds intensified sending snow into a blizzard around her, Zoey knew she had to get out of the storm, and soon.==========Morning broke over Santa’s Village. The storm had passed and all was well, or so it seemed.Rudolph and his parents were getting ready for the day, when suddenly Zoey's mother dashed in yelling for her daughter. "Zoey! Has anyone seen her!?"Rudolph ran to her, "What's happened?"“I just woke up, looked everywhere and she was missing” the doe said to him.Rudolph came to a realization."She must really want to fly if she went out on her own. We have to find her!" Rudolph exclaimed "Did she even think twice last night?" He thought to himself.==========His nose shining bright, Rudolph headed off into the same wilderness he had traveled when he ran away over a month ago. This time, he had to traverse through an unplanned blizzard solo, searching for his doefriend. The storm was so blinding and strong he dare not fly. =========="Zoey had managed to find a small cave at the base of the mountain to shield her from the storm, wanting so much for someone to hold. As scared as she was, she felt Rudolph's heart searching for her“All I know is, you made a big mistake weeks ago.” said a voice. It was all too familiar to her, even if she hadn’t heard of him for some time.==========“Arrow? What do you want?” Zoey exclaimed.“To take back everything that was taken from me.” the scarred, ragged stag said darkly, joined by a pack of wolves looking different from Stormella’s.==========“LEAVE ME ALONE!” Zoey screamed and ran out into the snowy wilderness. The storm was still blowing, but all that mattered now was trying to.get away from her pursuers.==========Eventually they all came together at a frozen lake. Rudolph and Zoey tried to reunite, but Arrow and his wolves intervened. Rudolph was hardly prepared, but his strong will and determination helped to try and fend them off.Worse, no one was aware the ice was too thin to support anyone’s weight. In her missteps, Zoey’s weight was too much and the ice began to crack. ==========“RUDOLPH! HELP!” Zoey yelled, snapping the two stags out of their fight. Rudolph acted first, launching off a cliff near a waterfall and kicking as many boulders and ice chunks as he could out of their way towards Zoey. He was interrupted by more white mounds, and landed next to Zoey, badly hurt.==========Arrow, after seeing all that happened, was struck with feelings he had never felt before. In an unexpected move, the ragged stag leaped towards another wave of chunks and kicked as many as he could out of their way to Rudolph, who, in a last feat of will, was able to send Zoey to safety.==========When everything was calm, and even the blizzard turned to light snowfall, all that could be seen was the badly hurt Rudolph, Zoey, kneeling beside him in tears, and even Arrow was close to tears. The wolves were found puzzled, until shooed off by Arrow.“Rudolph, I love you, I always have, come back to me Rudolph, please.” Zoey sobbed.“I… I’m so sorry” Arrow managed to softly mutter, much to Zoey’s surprise.==========Soon they noticed a groan and eyes slowly opening.“Z-Zoey…” Rudolph carefully spoke, still in pain."Rudolph! I was so scared, I thought we would lose each other." Zoey said, fear stuttering her voice.“I… I never… never wanted…“ Arrow stuttered. He couldn’t finish. So many feelings were flooding his inner self. He was soon on his stomach, face covered and crying, unable to speak properly.==========Helping Rudolph, Zoey found herself draping her neck around Arrow’s, as did Rudolph. As the emotionally hurt stag began to calm down, Rudolph softly muttered: "What were you thinking, Zoey? You almost ended up like me.""Rudolph I'm so sorry, I…. I just wanted to be more like you so badly.” replied Zoey."But, I almost lost you!" Rudolph protested."But what you have is so special.” Zoey retorted. “How could you ever like someone as plain as me?"Rudolph smiled and confessed: "You're special in every way that matters, for all the hearts on earth there is not one that matches mine like yours. You don't need a red nose or be able to fly to please me, being at your side will always be enough."Zoey looked at him with eyes he'd never seen. Reaching out, she kissed him on the cheer, his nose started to glow as red as his cheers blushing threw his fur.==========Feeling calmer, Arrow croaked up: “I’m… sorry. My pride… clouded what was right in front of me. I was… so wrong… about you both.”Even Rudolph and Zoey couldn’t deny what was in front of them.“Could you… help us home?” Zoey asked, carefully.Arrow smiled, really smiled, for the first time in weeks. “Help Rudy onto my back. Hopefully he can still light our way back.”And he could. Blizzards came and went, but the three new friends trudged through.==========Zoey’s parents were overjoyed when they returned. Arrow’s parents never wanted to admit it before, but they had missed their son.When they heard the story, there was some displeasure but Rudolph and Zoey stood for Arrow.“After all this,” Rudolph proclaimed. “I know how to make things right.”==========The months passed. Christmas Eve came again. The door opened for Santa and his team to take off into the night, but this time Rudolph wasn’t the only one leading the way.Running happily beside him as they leapt into the near unseeable snowy skies was Arrow, his dream come true after months under his new friend’s wing.On the ground, a young doe ran as the team took flight. “Father!” she yelled. Rudolph looked back, seeing Zoey stop her from chasing him into the night.Rudolph exclaimed as they drove out of sight:"One day my child, you'll lead this flight!" ========== THE END 
Death Angel Ronald (Black Butler) by AlexisYokoAlexander   Ronald from Black Butler