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July 5, 2024
Emerald Dream Moon Lake by Noratos
Noratos's avatar

Emerald Dream Moon Lake

434.9K Views1 Collected Privately

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I'd like to take the time to advertise the following Status Update by LadySereine…
Thanks to her kind words I was inspired to draw this Artwork!

This drawing was made with soft pastel chalk.

If you like my art please check out my gallery:…
Image size
3474x2466px 9.44 MB
© 2023 - 2024 Noratos
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barefootliam's avatar

Have you ever visited an old art gallery, or a European stately home, with walls plastered with art? You go into a room and once piece stands out.

This piece is like that.

Congratulations to you on the work, and on being recognize. :heart: