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November 9, 2011
Apophysis 3D Blooms Tutorial by *lindelokse
Featured by shelldevil
lindelokse's avatar

Apophysis 3D Blooms Tutorial

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I've received a huge number of requests in these latest months so here is the 3d version of my 2d Apophysis Blooms Tutorial :dance: this is my contribution (hopefully not the only one ;) ) to #projecteducate fractal week!!!
I tried to keep it the easiest I could and avoid xaos and such... but please mind that a basic knowledge of Apophysis is required. If you need some beginners' tutorial to get more familiar with the program or if you have a generic question about Apophysis, please send me a note, pay a visit to the #Aposhack chatroom or check these FAQ before ;)

I would like to thank and credit some friends who greatly helped me:
~muzucya for inspiring me with his lovely flame TSUKUYOMIBANA yokogaio
`Xyrus02 and ~zy0rg for helping me to refine my 3d blooms and fixing my mistakes
*DothackersDaichi =fractal2cry =ChaosFissure ~Wi6791lly and `FarDareisMai for beta-testing the tutorial

:bulletred: yes, you can publish it on your website as long as you don't edit the original jpeg and credit is provided to me :)
:bulletred: yes, I usually give permission to translate it in your language, just please let me know where you publish it so that I can check if credits to me are provided, and it would be great if you could send to me a preview before :)
:bulletred: no, I'd really prefer if you don't publish scripts based on this tutorial. If you really want to, then please ASK ME BEFORE :please:

All that you need:
:bulletred: Apophysis 7x by `Xyrus02
:bulletred: in the Aposhack Plugin Pack you will find all the plugins you need. Just don't put all plugins in your plugins folder at once, or apophysis will crash ;)
:bulletred: my 2d Apophysis Blooms Tutorial (which you may want to try before this one :) )

UPDATE: in Apophysis 7X version 15C, you will have to add flatten=1 to transform1, or nothing will appear!

HAVE FUN :squee:!!!
Image size
700x3050px 658.59 KB
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AstronomisemeStock-9's avatar

I created this fractal using your tutorial. Thanks a lot!

Lavender Dreams Fractal Stock