Ladyshawn2 on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

May 9, 2024
JK and Bam by Ladyshawn2
Suggested by Kat-Zaphire
Ladyshawn2's avatar

JK and Bam


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This is my favorite hair I’ve ever drawn. The reference pic looked just flat and black with little to no definition to the hair so I just put down my phone and took my time drawing it how I personally wanted to. I loved it! Was a very soothing process. This is also the first animal I’ve drawn that I’m ok with 😆
Image size
1576x2100px 813.24 KB
© 2024 Ladyshawn2
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ladypoeart's avatar

it is soooo beautiful! wow all those details. the hair is indeed beautiful!! lovely work! congrats on the dd!! :clap:💜