john9755 on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

Straight 3.3 (Advanced)



Straight3.3 Advanced features

All skins change from black or to white according to wallpaper luminance, now includes black and white bars and graphs with red high points

Header displays Rainmeter CPU usage, CPU temp and fan RPM (SpeedFan required)

CPU graph in background

CPU skin shows actual CPU usage vs User apps with mouse wheel

"USED" label on network skin changes to "VPN👍" when connected to a VPN

All labels (except RAM) show component names from your system info (may have to look in registry to get GPU name location and enter that into ini file)

On hover labels display additional information such as GPU temp (SpeedFan required), drive free space, RAM free space, CPU frequency

On click HD skins open that drive in explorer

USB HD skin hides and disables measure if drive isn't connected.

© 2024 john9755
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how can i make it bigger?
