hb860 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hb860/art/StartIsGone-disable-Start-button-in-Windows-8-1-399627651hb860

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hb860's avatar

StartIsGone: disable Start button in Windows 8.1



Remove the Start button in Windows 8.1 with StartIsGone.
StartIsGone is my latest application which allows you to remove the Start Button in Windows 8.1 and get the extra space on the taskbar. It is fully native (no .NET required) lightweight zero-privileges portable program. The user interface of this program is just an icon in the system tray and the contextual menu.
Run the app, and the Start button will gone. Tick "Run at startup" and your Start button will be removed every time your Desktop shows.

Download link

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somerandomnameinhere's avatar
Dont use this when you got startisback or other start menu mods