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Opaque Taskbar for Windows 8



Opaque Taskbar for Windows 8

Version 2.0 is out

The new command line option is available:
opaquetaskbar.exe /resident

It allows you to keep Taskbar opaque even if theme or Aero color was changed.
In resident mode Opaque Taskbar for Windows 8 will stay in memory and will show a tray icon with context menu.
Use that menu or just double click on the tray icon to toggle the transparency.
Also, "startup" checkbox will ask you if you want to keep the application in memory after startup.

Download Opaque Taskbar for Windows 8

With help of this simple and lightweight application you will be able to make your taskbar Opaque in any time you want it. It does not stay in memory and does not consume your PC's resources.

Download Opaque Taskbar for Windows 8

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NHKom's avatar
good, but this app is from winaero.com!