Ejderha-Arts's avatar


Puts the pro in procrastination
566 Deviations
Witte Poes and Tora

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Feb 9
  • Netherlands
  • Deviant for 10 years
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Spartan Llama: Llamas are awesome! (5180)
Day of the Deviant: Participated in Day of the Deviant Campaign
DeviantArt Tutorials Dragon: Participated in Tutorials Campaign
Whipped Cream: Someone loved your perfect bake! (1)
Baker's Delight: You perfected your piping skills!
My Bio

Het is allemaal allang gedaan, maar nog niet door mij. - It has all been done before, but not yet by me.

- "Alles is allang gedaan" (1994), Tröckener Kecks.

If you want to support my creative adventure, please buy me a cuppa and join me on my journey!



My name is Barbara aka Ejderha_Arts and I'm a traditional artist and theeleut from the Netherlands.

I love drawing the fun, fantastical and beautiful, preferably with my graphite pencils, but I also dabble in the world of colours with watercolour paint and pencils.

Fun facts about me:

* My last name is actually Arts, and although it means something entirely different in Dutch, it's the perfect name for me to use as an artist;

* Even though I attended the Academy of Art, I consider myself to be a self-taught artist;

* I'm a Dragon: An Eastern one because of the Chinese Zodiac, a very Western one when it comes to the hoarding nature of these fantastical creatures;.

* I can't whistle

Favourite Visual Artist
Alfons Mucha, Stephanie Pui-Mun Law
Favourite Movies
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Spirited Away, A Tale of Two Sisters (to name a few...)
Favourite TV Shows
Sherlock, The Big Bang Theory, RuPaul's Drag Race, Agatha Christie's Poirot, Stranger Things
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
The Beatles, Queen, Nightwish
Favourite Books
Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter
Favourite Games
Grim Fandango, Ōkami, Ni no Kuni, Katamari, Professor Layton
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, Playstation
Tools of the Trade
Graphite pencils, watercolours

Llama Farm

Thank you!

2 min read
MerMay is over! It was such a fun challenge this year, following for the first time the official promptlist, and I'm very happy with the mermaids I have drawn. I feel very creative, I have many ideas that I can't wait to start drawing and I even have a few projects waiting for me outside of my own personal art. I also realize that I have been neglecting DeviantArt for awhile now when it comes to watching, replying, commenting and interacting with my fellow Deviants in general. I'm way behind with actively watching all the wonderful artists I've chosen to follow here, which makes me already feel bad. I'm truly happy seeing all the faves, comments and new watchers, but the amount of notifications stacking up is starting to overwhelm me, especially since I've been inactive for so long. It's overwhelming because I can't and don't want to spend every day on social media. And as a result it becomes a huge mountain that discourages me to be more involved. It's an recurring issue with me and
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So this happened today: I never thought this could happen but of course it's too naive of me to think that I'm just a small fish and therefore not interesting enough to steal from. Clearly I was wrong. I'm very shocked to see my drawing being sold without my knowledge and it's so ironic to me that I just learned about NFT's only a few days ago. That particular account offered numerous other art, some of it I actually recognized from fellow Deviants and some with a big fat DA watermark, so it's obvious where it's all stolen from. I'm sharing the link here and maybe you will recognize art so you can inform the actual artists what's happening: https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x2953399124f0cbb46d2cbacd8a89cf0599974963/104787825978754909359136316154494108020377952593063142173048949285828752834561 Of course I contacted OpenSea but I wonder what good it will do.
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Today I didn't have the energy to draw Day 18 for the #31daysofartchallenge hosted by @projecteducate . Maybe it was because of the darker tone of the prompt (Anguish), combined with the struggle to come up with an original idea and its realization on the same day, but I decided to take a little break. But fear not: tomorrow I will be back with a vengeance! And in the meantime I'm having fun with a new DTIYS piece, hosted by @dimary on Instagram. Sneakpeek:
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Profile Comments 1.1K

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very beautiful your art keep it up never give up

Heart Of Love

Have a great day

Ok moment, jij bent serieus een van dé kreativste mensen die ik hier op DA of überhaupt heb gezien!

Waanzinnige ideeën, super omzetting! Dikke vette Like en follow van een Nederlander uit Oostenrijk!!🌟🔥

Sorry voor mijn late reactie; ik ben op het moment niet zo actief hier op DA, alleen wanneer ik weer eens iets nieuws te delen heb.

Maar wauw, heel erg bedankt voor het reuze compliment! Ik doe mijn best om met mijn potlood het gevreesde witte vel papier te lijf te gaan om hopelijk iets moois te creëren.

Fijn dat het nog steeds gewaardeerd wordt. 😊

Groeten vanuit het thuisland!

Bedankt voor jouw leuke reply😊

Ben zelf net met de family op vakantie in NL, en kom duidelijk niet zo aan het tekenen als ik me dat had voorgenomen😅

Verheug me al op nieuw werk van jou richting 👍🏻

Wanted to tell you:

Your penciled artwork is amazing. It's real, it's genuine, and it's level of artistic merit and quality is something that AI will never replicate.

Thank you for continuing to draw your art and share it here.

Thank you so much for your kind words! :love: