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World Screenshot Championship 2011

OMG, Before 4 months in a screenshot war we finally have a champion.

So, Here the results with a little comments from some judges.

The great Champion is:

DijaySazon with a 9,417 on dijaysazon.deviantart.com/art/…


This guy won a T-shirt of choice and DA availability shop.deviantart.com/?view=devw…
1500 :points:
and special features

"This one looks a little bit messy at first sight. Maybe because of the many different resources shown and the positioning of the elements. The taskbar looks great like some other elements. My favorite for the 1st place."

"Cool combination of colors and mod from gaia themes, love what he did with the taskbar."

"I like it,a lot.The colors you choose for the VS fit perfectly with the whole setup.Also nice job with the other skins too.Great wall,great themes,but bad arrangement,it's just too mess.It's like you were trying to fill up the desktop and open anything you can.That's not a good idea.But as i said,i like it,i like how you remake the Gaia designs,to make it become yours.Nice job!"

The second place goes to:

Krud3 with 8.617 on esiix.deviantart.com/art/002-2…


This guy won a set emoticons stress ball  (exluding the complet set) deviantwear.deviantart.com/art…?
800 :points:
and special features

"A pretty minimal screenshot to enter the battle for the 1st place imo. While I like the black/white tones, I think the whole shot looks a little bit boring. Furthermore, there could have been links in the description to check the resources."

"lovely grayscale, the pixel font give it a tech and minimal look."

"Really nice setup.I especially love the wall,it pops up the windows but still beautiful as a background.That's a good choice for a minimal shot like this.Some more works for the bottom bar,and this shot would be awesome.Anw, great job man, good start!"

Who got the third place was:

pk1st with 8,917 on pk1st.deviantart.com/art/TWIR-…


This guys won a lanyard deviantwear.deviantart.com/art…
500 :points:
and special features

"Here again the links to the resources are missing. And the shot isn't very interesting. It seems the user has known this and placed a "Sorry" as an excuse in the right bottom. The VS looks good though."

"Great Clean Shot"

"Like always,i'm impressed with your color choices for your shot.It makes this shot really... you ! Every elements in this shot fits great together.But this shot ends up not so great.Why ? In my opinion,this wall is nice,but it can't make the beauties of the themes show up ! Choose a natural wallpaper,i bet it'd be better."

And the fourth place was to:

DarknesFreak with 7,725 on darknesfreak.deviantart.com/ar…


This guys won 150 :points:
and special features

"I like the strong colors here and the asian style. In summary the shot looks better than the other one. But it wouldn't have hurt, if there would have been added some more elements. Savior is the wall, which offer some nice details and attracts the eyes. My vote for the 3rd place."

"Too much color, he choose strong colors from background, but the there's no harmonic combination with the rest of the elements from the theme.
You don't really focus into this round,do you ? It's way too ordinary."

"Nice wall.And that's all.Bad choice of theme,bad choice of CAD skin,bad choice of dock skin,bad choice of fonts.A lot of great setups could be made from this wall,i know that."

The Winner of Best Screenshot (best rating in the whole championship)

DijaySazon with a 9,417 on dijaysazon.deviantart.com/art/…

wow, another prize. Here he will take a set of emoticon buttons deviantwear.deviantart.com/art…
250 :points:


Congrats to all participants on the championship, and too for that followed and supported the movement. Everything was so long. but in it time.

Many thanks to the judges who helped a lot here, giving their opinions and being sincere with me about the problems.

Thanks to the groups that helped to spread the news during the event and mainly to the donors helping with the prizes.

See you soon guys ;P

A great partnership between

:iconditchdefault: :icondesktop-screenshots: :iconwall-hunters: :iconcustomizers: :icondesign-addicts:

:iconminimalcustomizers: :iconskinnerz: :iconminimalistic-desktop: :icondeskmodder-de: :iconartescritorio:

:iconcd-art-display: :icontech-hub: :iconlight-x-customizers:

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The great Final

World Screenshot Championship 2011

See bellow about the history of each deviant and the respective battle.

Fighting for the first and second places

name: Yuriy Kormin
Country: Ukraine
Age: 14
Devitons: 61-fatezooom  1-esiix 62-total
Deviant since: October 29, 2009
preferred deviation: fatezoom.deviantart.com/art/Gu…

Name : Muriel Scaranello
Country : Brazil
Age : 15
Deviations : 128
Deviant Since : Aug 18, 2010
Preferred Deviation : dijaysazon.deviantart.com/art/…

Fighting for the third place

Name: Khoa Pham
Country: Vietnam
Age: 16
Deviations: 193
Deviant since: Dec 30, 2008
preferred deviation: pk1st.deviantart.com/art/11041…

pk1st  :iconpk1st:  X :icondarknesfreak:DarknesFreak  

Name: Mohamed Daoui
Country: Algeria
Age: 21
Deviant since:Apr 27, 2010
preferred deviation: darknesfreak.deviantart.com/ar…

Good Luck Guys

NO RULES. Free screenshots with what you want to use.

:note: You can use until 3 frames.

:note: It is mandatory to give full details of the resources used, with special attention to any changes or

modifications. The original authors must be credited.

:note: The Screenshots must be posted on DeviantArt, and the author must send a note to the group

ditchDefault with a thumb of the same.

:skullbones: Only new Screenshots will be accepted. Old postings will be automatically disqualified.

:skullbones: 1 point penalty for each day of delay. 3 days the deviant is disqualified

:police: After you send the screenshot, NO modifications will be able.

:police: The notes will be send to DitchDefault Until Friday 15Th October 11:59 PM (GMT 0)

See here the Updated Clash Table and look to your future oponents

The judges will be here waiting for work :beer:

See the full journal with prizes and all rules ditchdefault.deviantart.com/bl…
Fav the News article fav.me/n154078

A great partnership between

:iconditchdefault: :icondesktop-screenshots: :iconwall-hunters: :iconcustomizers: :icondesign-addicts:

:iconminimalcustomizers: :iconskinnerz: :iconminimalistic-desktop: :icondeskmodder-de: :iconartescritorio:

:iconcd-art-display: :icontech-hub: :iconlight-x-customizers:

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World Screenshot Championship 2011

here the results of Semi-final round

fatezomm - 8,817
pk1st - 8,533

dijaysazon -  9,10
darknesfreak - 7,80

See the full journal with prizes and all rules ditchdefault.deviantart.com/bl…
Fav the News article fav.me/n154078

A great partnership between

:iconditchdefault: :icondesktop-screenshots: :iconwall-hunters: :iconcustomizers: :icondesign-addicts: :iconminimalcustomizers: :iconskinnerz: :iconminimalistic-desktop: :icondeskmodder-de: :iconartescritorio: :iconcd-art-display: :icontech-hub: :iconlight-x-customizers:

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World Screenshot Championship 2011

OK, Again i apologize for everybody. The blame was entirely mine, so sorry.

pk1st - 8,683
Vivian1990 - no entry

fatezomm - 8,033
serjh111 - no entry

darknesfreak - 7,750
danrockanlover - no entry

nardoxic - 8,167
dijaysazon - 8,48

The next round will work in this way:

esiix is the new account of FateZoom

NO RULES. Free screenshots with what you want to use.

The winners will run for the 1st and 2nd places in the next round, and the losers the 3rd and 4th
Do your best guys.

:note: You can use until 3 frames.

:note: It is mandatory to give full details of the resources used, with special attention to any changes or modifications. The original authors must be credited.

:note: The Screenshots must be posted on DeviantArt, and the author must send a note to the group ditchDefault with a thumb of the same.

:skullbones: Only new Screenshots will be accepted. Old postings will be automatically disqualified.

:skullbones: 1 point penalty for each day of delay. 3 days the deviant is disqualified

:police: The notes will be send to DitchDefault Until saturday 21ThSeptember 11:59 PM (GMT 0)

See here the Updated Clash Table and look to your future oponents

The judges will be here waiting for work :beer:

See the full journal with prizes and all rules ditchdefault.deviantart.com/bl…
Fav the News article fav.me/n154078

A great partnership between

:iconditchdefault: :icondesktop-screenshots: :iconwall-hunters: :iconcustomizers: :icondesign-addicts: :iconminimalcustomizers: :iconskinnerz: :iconminimalistic-desktop: :icondeskmodder-de: :iconartescritorio: :iconcd-art-display: :icontech-hub:

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WSC-2011 - Final Results by DitchDefault, journal

WSC-2011 - Final Round by DitchDefault, journal

WSC-2011 - Semi Final Result by DitchDefault, journal

WSC-2011 - Semi Finals ( ATTENTION UPDATE ) by DitchDefault, journal

WSC-2011 - Quarters by DitchDefault, journal