dierat's avatar


Live forever or die trying!
103 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Nelvana costume redesign process by dierat, literature

Artist // Hobbyist // Digital Art
  • United States
  • Deviant for 17 years
  • They / Them
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Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (5)
Deviously Devoted: Someone is your fiendish fan! 😈 (6)
Gold Coin 2023: Someone thinks you're golden! (3)
Totally Normal: What could be more ordinary? (2)
Hype: You got hyped up! (2)
My Bio

I'm a software developer with a background in fine art and illustration. I'm a huge fan of communal learning through critique in artist communities and love to give support and feedback to other artists. Feel free to let me know if you'd like feedback or constructive critique—I'm happy to help 💕

Favourite Visual Artist
John Singer Sargent, Donato Giancola, Jean-Leon Gerome
Favourite Movies
Aliens, 12 Monkeys, The Prestige, The Truman Show, Wild, Trolls
Favourite TV Shows
Seinfeld, The Wire, Jessica Jones
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Pink Floyd, the Strokes
Favourite Books
Shogun, A Wizard of Earthsea, The Dispossessed, A Song for Lya (novella)
Favourite Writers
Ursula K LeGuinn, George RR Martin
Favourite Games
FF6, Zelda: A Link to the Past, FF12
Favourite Gaming Platform
Super Nintendo
Tools of the Trade
Photoshop, charcoal, HTML + CSS
Other Interests
programming, film, history, world cultures, social justice, gender

What kind of tutorial would you like to see from me? If, hypothetically, I were to get off my ass and make one.

15 votes
Visual composition in 2-dimensional art
Drawing in Photoshop – getting started + tips & tricks
Making custom brushes in Photoshop
Adding texture to digital drawings
Timelapse video of a digital study (portrait or still-life)
Non-video process of a digital illustration (including taking reference photos, etc)
Timelapse video showing me draw something with charcoal
Other (post in the comments please <3)
Nothing, thanks!
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My progress from 1999 to 2013 (15 years): The best thing I had going for me when I was learning to draw is that I didn&#8217;t know how bad of an artist I was. I didn&#8217;t have access to all of the amazing art that we have here on Deviantart, so I couldn&#8217;t compare myself against all of these awesome people. I could only compare my work against itself and see that it was getting better all the time. All you need is time and focused practice. I say &#8220;focused practice&#8221; and not just &#8220;practice&#8221; because you have to be purposeful in what you&#8217;re studying. There&#8217;s no magic bullet, no single thing you have t
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Edouard Manet

0 min read
&Eacute;douard Manet was a French painter who came to prominence in the 1860's and 70's. His work was controversial but highly inspirational to other artists at the time and was an important part of the transition from the Realism to Impressionism art movements. &Eacute;douard Manet, 1874 Born to an upper class family in Paris in 1832, Manet was expected to pursue a distinguished career such as the law or navy but chose to study art instead. He often visited the Louvre to study the work of the masters before him. Manet's early work fit well into the Realist movement, which had begun in the 1950's and remained popular. One of his first paint
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Thanks for the badge :) ! Have a nice time !

My pleasure! Hope you have a great day 💕

Ty for badge man 😀

Np I was happy to get rid of it. I have a huge pile of them sitting in my living room and it's super annoying; I keep falling over trying to get around them

Badge Awards

lol you're welcome! 🥰

l´m glad l found your gallery! Keep up your great work!