Watch Shop


October 14th 2014
  • Added new version 20141014
  • Removed html key from the deviation object.
December 4th 2014
  • Added new version 20141204
  • Changed mature content filtering from being global to only enabled on certain endpoints.
January 6th 2015
  • Added new version 20150106
  • /user/whoami Updated whoami return to use the standard User object return.
  • /user/whois Updated whois return to use the standard User object return.
  • /browse/categorytree Added mature content filtering support.
  • Hidden comments are now included in the response, minus their body.
February 17th 2015
  • Added new version 20150217
  • Updated metadata to include height and width for images.
February 26th 2015
  • /data/countries Added new endpoint to get a list of countries.
  • /data/tos Added new endpoint to get the DeviantArt Terms of Service.
  • /data/privacy Added new endpoint to get the DeviantArt Privacy Policy.
  • /data/submission Added new endpoint to get the DeviantArt Submission Policy.
March 6th 2015
April 15th 2015
  • Added support for OAuth2 Implicit Grant
April 22nd 2015
May 5th 2015
  • Added new version 20150416
  • Removed endpoints: /stash/folder, /stash/media,/stash/metadata, /stash/move/file, /stash/move/folder
  • Added new endpoint to fetch stack contents
  • Added new endpoint to update stacks
  • Added new endpoint to move stacks
  • Added new endpoint to position stacks
  • Added new endpoint to fetch item metadata
  • Replaced folderid with stackid, stashid with itemid in all endpoints and stash_metadata object
  • stash_metadata: replaced the keywords with tags, removed is_folder
May 28th 2015
  • Added support for motion books in deviation object
June 1st 2015
  • Added is_watching field to user object available via expand parameter
June 15th 2015
  • Added endpoints to manage Watch settings
August 24th 2015
  • Added new version 20150824
  • /notes/{noteid} Now returns the whole note object
August 26th 2015
  • /browse/popular Added estimated_total to the response for search queries
  • /browse/newest Added estimated_total to the response for search queries
September 1st 2015
October 14th 2015
  • Added new version 20151014
  • /stash/submit Updated endpoint to return chunked encoding for large files to fix CDN timeouts, please read the endpoints documentation for more details. This is an important change and affects error handling.
December 2nd 2015
  • Added new version 20151202
  • Removing endpoints: /curated and /curated/tags. Older Api versions calling this method will still return curated results but they do not change over time
December 23rd 2015
  • Gave refresh_tokens an expiry time of 3 months
March 17th 2020
May 19th 2020
  • Added new version 20200519
  • /browse/recommended effectivePageType and suggestedReasons are returned
May 26th 2021
July 1st 2024
  • Added new version 20240701
  • All Stash endpoints except submit and publish are deprecated and removed from documentation. The endpoints will stop returning any data shortly, without further notice. New stash endpoints may be returning in new API versions. Support for versions predating 20150406 was removed from submit and publish endpoints.