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A Letter to Emma



Dear Emma,

I write this as a friend. Well, you're my little sisters friend really. You grew up together, often round my house, playing in my garden, I've watched you grow into a wonderful young woman. So maybe I write this more as a sister. An angry sister.

I'm upset because someone called you names:
'Ugly' 'Worthless' 'Disgusting' 'Childish' 'Boring'  

To come from a stranger they would be bad enough. But to come from your boyfriend; the person you are supposed to trust most, must be so hard.
I am angry because these words are not true. You are none of these things.
But when someone calls us something, I know how the words can sit on your skin, and before you notice, they push deeper, into your blood and bones, they turn into the script we read from. Their ugly echos worm their way into your thoughts, actions, being. So deep you don't even feel them as something else, they are feel they are part of you. 'ugly' 'useless' 'boring' become the foundation of your wall. And it saddens me to think these words your boyfriend said might stick to you. It's our partners words we should be able to trust most of all. They are supposed to see us in the rose coloured light, build us up, and be our best ally.

'Beautiful' 'Funny' 'Positive' 'Trustworthy' 'Kind'

These are words that truly describe you Emma. I don't know why your partner didn't use them. Why he didn't want to bring you up rather than put you down. Only he knows why.
I can't tell you who to be with. I can't tell you what's right for you.
I can tell you I stayed too long with someone who wrote bad things on my bricks, and I'm still in the process of scrubbing them off.
All I can advise, with everything I have (and that's mostly drawing) is, however right it feels like they fit, to not slide those bad bricks in. Fill yourself with good ones for all you can, for if we hold 'beautiful' as a brick in our foundation, there is no place when someone hands us a brick of 'ugly'. We can just throw it away.

Emma. You are Beautiful.

Lost of love, your sister friend,
Blue xx

Yes, Emma is real, I drew and wrote this for her after I heard her boyfriends words. It 's not about telling her to leave. It's about supporting her. Having stayed in a bad relationship myself  (with my first partner, not my most recent, wonderful one) I know the real damage is done internally, and someone telling you to leave isn't much help. But someone building you up, and supporting you emotionally, really does help you think twice when you are treated poorly by someone who supposedly loves you.
She said I could share the letter/picture because lots of other people probably need a 'Beautiful' brick too. See, I told you she was kind :) She asked her name be changed so her boyfriend didn't get any abuse.

Peace, Love and Supporting Each other,
Blue x

~Featured Art~
Self Care by DestinyBlue WARPAINT by DestinyBlue Dark Side by DestinyBlue The Author by DestinyBlue Imprint by DestinyBlue Trust by DestinyBlue
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Mimigaming200's avatar

That is a beautiful drawing, Emma is indeed beautiful :)