Dawgit on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/dawgit/art/A-play-on-color-1042994798Dawgit

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A play on color


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I thank you all in advance for any who watch, fave or comment on my works. Sometimes I just can't get back to you all

None of my works are AI and at this time I have no interest in using  AI

My inspiration is all of you here at Deviantart.

My primary tools are Apophysis, Chaotica and Jwildfire. I have used Fractorium and Bryce on occasion. I use gimp and a windows viewer for edits and touch ups for manipulation when required. Chaoshelper for various gradient for chaotica
Image size
3840x2160px 4.48 MB
© 2024 Dawgit
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estfyr's avatar

amazingly bold!