Davesrightmind on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/davesrightmind/art/Lich-King-799913019Davesrightmind

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Over the course of my art travels , I had the honor and privilege of working with one of the true greats in the death metal scene, Erik Lindmark, one of the founders of "Deeds of Flesh" and founder of Unique Leader records. Sadly, Erik passed away last year before we could finish the work. This is one of the pieces that was to be used for a new cover. There was a D&D theme. R.I.P. Erik.
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1306x2000px 351.61 KB
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evilsmiley2's avatar
wow dude, that is an amazing and unfortunate story. This image looks absolutely stunning! I hope you get to do more metal albums.