Customize-That-PC's avatar


Your 1st place for Customization
Years Ago
WERO1 and lysy1993lbn!

The final logo is here:


WERO1 and lysy1993lbn each win 30 :points:.

There was a tie for the votes, so we have a combo entry.

Also, due to the fact that the winners did not provide transparent PNGs for use, the final one was recreated by ainq using WERO1's style and lysy1993lbn's color and layout.

BomBerOne666 is third place.

Congratulations to our winners and everybody who participated!
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With just 5 days left in our group logo contest, we need a group of judges to evaluate the results.

Submissions for entries have been closed. You can still apply to be a judge.

Comment in this journal if you want to be a judge.

If you are accepted, you will receive a note from ainq shortly after.
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Hello Customize-That-PC members,

As you may have noticed, our old Group Logo is a bit sad and not particularly attention-grabbing:


So, we have a contest!

-50 :points: for 1st place, and also Contributor position
-10 :points: for 2nd place, and also Contributor position
-Contributor position for 3rd place

Entries must be a 100x50 image under 30 kilobytes. PNG and GIF are accepted, no JPG please.
End of contest is at 1/10/12.
Results will be announced 1/15/12

If you want to be a judge, let ainq know in this journal.

Good luck, and please submit the entries to the "Group Logo Contest" folder.

Due to more icons than expected being sent (~12), we're extending the contest.

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Hey guys

It's been a while since I got the note from OtisBee asking me to do this blog entry, hope it's not overly late XD
This is to let you know what OtisBee's role is within deviantart now, he is the gallery moderator for the Skins & Themes subcategory within Customization.
I can't really think of the best way to let you know what he does, as he's summed it up pretty well in his note, so here it is =P
OtisBee Wrote:
In my function as a GM I'm here to represent deviantART, but more importantly I'm here to represent everything and everybody involved with the subject of Skins & Themes. in short: I'm here to represent you.

that being said, i would like to kindly invite you to send me a note or post a comment on my page, if...
•'d like to suggest a skin or theme for being featured in a Daily Deviation (see my profile page for more infos on that matter)
•'d experience any issues with the Skins & Themes galleries or would like to suggest some changes or additions
•'d like me to promote & support certain events such as contests, devmeets etc.
•'d like me to feature important announcements, news-articles or news and groups in general
• have any other concern, question or suggestion that is in any way related to the subject of Skins & Themes

it might take some time for me to settle down and fully adjust to the position of being a GM, but hopefully i'm at your full service soon. as i said, tell me about your things, thoughts, questions, suggestions and opinions.

thanks for your time reading this...

your GM Otis. :wave:
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Welcome to Customize That PC, Your central hub on deviantART for all things PC Customization - This covers Case modding to custom skins across a whole board of programs!
Our official dAmn chatroom is at :#CustomizeThatPC:, so feel free to pop in anytime, even add us to your autojoin list if you have one :)
Feel free to become a member, or even apply to be a contributor (so you can subit your own stuff!), Then you can keep posted about any new mods/custom skins!
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Gallery Moderator by Customize-That-PC, journal

Customize That PC! by Customize-That-PC, journal