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This prompt gave me a hard time. I think, it was the trickiest one until now. Even on today's morning I had no idea what to do. The early morning hours were sunny, so I went into the mountains to take some pictures of the brightly colored autumn landscape and to get things off my mind. And as I stood there between the orange beech trees and gray pine stems, I felt the weight from last week drop away from me, freeing my mind, being removed. When I came home, I immediately knew, what to draw for this prompt.

What's new in my Ko-fi-Shop : Fine Art Print 'Lady of the Woods', Eternal Calendar 'Moons of the Year'

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700x700px 213.02 KB
© 2023 - 2024 CinnamonDevil
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Lorian-AinDal's avatar

I love how part of it seems to dissipate on the wind. Beautiful.