C-91 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/c-91/art/Mayence-720745808C-91

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Daily Deviation

June 13, 2018
Mayence by C-91
Featured by moonbeam13
Suggested by tatasz
C-91's avatar




I know, two in a row...but! I'm so happy I managed to make a good daisy-like flower and not the usual style. Last time I made one like this was almost 3 years ago. 
I've had a rough semester at university (rough language teachers, rough subjects, very rough thesis supervisor rofl I had to change its topic and we got in a fight...all good now though!), but I'm positive about the near future. :) I just have to roll up my sleeves a bit more and for a bit longer, and everything will be ok. :)
This fractal is for all the good things that happened in 2017. :D
Image size
1600x1600px 4.48 MB
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DylanCArt's avatar
Nice art work you did.