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CTX Group

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:bulletorange:It gives me tremendous pleasure to present to you our very first group effort Visual Style:

:bulletorange:CTX Group

:bulletyellow:This theme was compiled by various different designers from CreativX. I will sum their contributions up shortly:
:bulletblack:* Window Top Frame - adelino
:bulletblack:* Startmenu and taskbar - bbosa
:bulletblack:* The rest of the theme itself was done by the bull
:bulletblack:* WMP skin by gsw953
:bulletblack:* CTX gadget by Pauliewog
:bulletblack:* Library icons by bbosa (From his Xenomorph iconpack)
:bulletblack:* Rocketdock skins by the bull
:bulletblack:* Logonscreens by YourNumbr1Fan and me
:bulletblack:* Screenshots by tiger2012
:bulletblack:* Wallpapers by sete, Pauliewog, YourNumbr1Fan, and some from designers on DA specially made for CreativX.
:bulletblack:* Startorb by TheBull
:bulletblack:* timedate.cpl images by me
:bulletyellow:Special thanks for feedback and testing to: Creator, evil_cat, GraveDigger, quaz1957, Pauliewog, Semtex, and tiger2012. (If there was someone I left out please forgive me)
I also want to thank Semtex for help on some parts of the theme.
Credit also to ToDie4 from acockimplex. I used a few images from his forumskin, Fleet. Also one of our Forumskins. (Thanks for the permission Kirk!)

:mib:What is included:
* Theme Installer
* LK cursorpack. Pre-Installed
* Soundscheme
* Library Icons
* Explorerframe images
* Startorb by the bull
* timedate.cpl images
* Rocketdock Skins for top and bottom use
* WMP skin
* Various wallpapers
* Fullglass.exe by Phantommenace from DA
* TaskDock_by_Solo_Dev, to center the icons on your taskbar
* Theme Resource Changer to automatically apply your explorerframe images, startbutton, etc.
* UniversalThemePatcher for 32&64 bit systems
* Explorer Window file and instructions to add the image in your Explorer windows.
* CTX5 gadget
* Other gadgets to follow by Pauliewog.

:mib:I want to thank everyone involved in this group project. It was great fun. I hope you will all enjoy it!

:typerhappy: download:ctx[link]
© 2011 - 2024 bbosa
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man bad ass theme thanks