aidaaah on DeviantArt

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aidaaah's avatar

Arkan Tab



Arkan Tab for Rainmeter


Credits :
I wrote most of the skin in this pack myself, but some others are just a modification of skins made by others.

- The RSS Reader is a modification of Enigma's Reader by Kaelri
- The Weather is a modification of 2Tone by Kenz0…

- Icons on Weather are Simple Weather Icon by unknown (If you are the creator, please contact me and I'll put you on the credit or remove it)
- Icons on Launcher and RSS are Devine Icons by ipapun

- Wallpaper on the preview is Glow by dark-nightwolf


Don't forget to instal the latest Rainmeter (Currently ver. 1.1) and font (included).


Feel free to modify or port this skin but always credit me as the original author and please notify me whenever you release a port/mod of this skin.


Named after my first nephew.
Miss you Bumbum. :)

Please fav if you like it.

Any comments are welcome :)

- Added float-style to all skin.
- Change shutdown and restart shortcut to 0sec (instant).
- Clicking on Drive Info icon now explore the drive.
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