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Work Launcher [1.3]



Work Launcher

Version: 1.3
Last Update: 18 December 2013


Added: Ukrainian language. Thanks to BlackoutY4K
Fixed: Launcher panel titles became shortened when D2D is disabled. Thanks to Meyrlan

Fixed: Custom language picker. Thanks to BlackoutY4K
Added: 32x32 icon pack for choosing
Changed: Authors in the About dialogue are clickable

First release


Installing Launcher
This launcher works on Windows with installed Rainmeter program. It is free and you can get this program on

Configuring links
Click right mouse button on the link and choose "Configure Link" to open link editor.

Changing settings
Click right mouse button on any launcher area and choose "Open Settings"

Choosing number of items on the launcher
Open settings as it is written above and find there option "Number of Items". Change it's value from 1 to 10 on your wish.

Answered Questions

Why in the context I don't have "Configure Link" menu?
This menu will be shown by clicking on the area which you chose in the settings menu "Open Link By Clicking". For example you set to open link by clicking on the icon, "Configure Link" menu will appear on right mouse click on the icon of link.

Why my text fonts don't look like on preview?
If you have Windows 7 or 8 text rendering should be ok. If not, download and apply… this Platform Update to enable D2D rendering.


Информацию на русском языке вы можете прочесть здесь.


Universal transitions and Rainfile are made by Kaelri
Included Aurora icon packt is made by MannMitDerTarnjacke
Work Launcher for XWidget is made by Kamaz-Z

Feel free to ask related questions :peace:
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hey man its very good but i wanna add the computer folder shortcut i click on the icon and title and it dosent work solution pls