Empire vs Rebels - LEGO Star Wars

Empire vs Rebels - LEGO Star Wars
Empire vs Rebels - LEGO Star Wars

Developer Company: LEGO
Published: September 18, 2021
Game Technology: Browser-based
Compatible Devices: Desktop, Mobile, Tablet
Playable On: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS

About Empire vs Rebels - LEGO Star Wars

Empire vs Rebels - LEGO Star Wars is an exhilarating online adventure that immerses you in the dynamic world of Lego. In this game, you have the opportunity to build an extraordinary universe, create structures, design vehicles, and engage in epic Lego battles. Set in the Lego universe, the game features a fierce showdown between the Empire and the Jedi. As a Jedi Knight, you are tasked with crucial missions such as infiltrating enemy bases and planting explosives to destroy them. The Empire's troops guard the base and its surroundings, and you must confront them in combat. You can choose to shoot at them with weapons or eliminate them with your lightsaber. The game also encourages exploration as you collect various items that aid you in your quest. Playing this game offers numerous benefits. It sparks creativity by allowing you to construct your own Lego universe. It also enhances strategic thinking as you plan your missions and battles against the Empire. Additionally, the game promotes exploration and adventure as you gather various items throughout your journey. Ultimately, Empire vs Rebels - LEGO Star Wars provides an engaging and entertaining way to dive into the Star Wars universe.

How to Play Empire vs Rebels - LEGO Star Wars?

  • Move your character using the arrow keys.
  • Activate your lightsaber or shoot with your weapon by pressing the spacebar.
  • Pick up items by walking over them.
  • Complete missions by infiltrating enemy bases and planting explosives.
  • Engage enemy soldiers by shooting or using your lightsaber.
  • Plan your moves strategically to successfully complete your missions.
  • Explore the Lego universe and enjoy the adventure!

Video Gameplay - Empire vs Rebels - LEGO Star Wars