Optimising Your Website

Creating clean and engaging layouts

Fusion Head-To-Head Experiments by Content Ignite
Ad Heavy Site Example by Content Ignite
Ad-Heavy Sites
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Only 3 lines of content
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Ads taking up 80% of the page
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Slow pages
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Unhappy users
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Unhappy editorial teams
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Reduced CPMs
Ad-Optimised Example by Content Ignite
Ad-Optimised Sites
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Much more content
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Non-CLS ads and closeable
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Quicker pages (1 partner)
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Users have choice to close
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Happier Editorial
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Increased CPMs
Creating Better Ad experiences

enhance the user experience By Providing Better Ad Experiences

Fusion Optimised Ad Density by Content Ignite
Optimised Ad Density
Content Ignite can help Publishers balance ad density, ensuring that pages are not overcrowded with ads whilst maintaining ad revenue.
Fusion Less Intrusive Ads  by Content Ignite
Less Intrusive Ads
Content Ignite ensures that advertisements complement rather than disrupt the user experience with the ability to close more high-impact ads.
Fusion Customised Ad Placement by Content Ignite
Customised Ad Placement
Customise your ad placements on specific pages and sections. This approach means ads can be more relevant & integrated with the content.
Fusion Efficiency Example by Content Ignite
User-Friendly Ad Formats
Our innovative and user-friendly ad formats lead to a more enjoyable browsing experience.
Fusion Responsive Ad Design by Content Ignite
Responsive Ad Design
Our ads are designed to be responsive across all devices. This ensures a consistent and smooth user experience.
Fusion Layout Optimisation by Content Ignite
Data-Driven Layout Optimisation
Optimise the placement and types of ad shown to enhance user experience and to drive a healthy perception of your website and its content.

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