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Smoking samsui woman mural to be retained in full, building owner fined for not seeking approval

05:44 Min

The Urban Redevelopment Authority and the Health Ministry is allowing the mural of a samsui woman holding a cigarette to stay as it is, without modifications. But the URA has slapped a $2,000 fine on the owner of the South Bridge Road property for carrying out unauthorised works on a conserved building. The authorities said they decided to retain the mural by Singapore-based American artist Sean Dunston because the work is largely seen as an art piece, and not as an advertisement for tobacco. 

The Urban Redevelopment Authority and the Health Ministry is allowing the mural of a samsui woman holding a cigarette to stay as it is, without modifications. But the URA has slapped a $2,000 fine on the owner of the South Bridge Road property for carrying out unauthorised works on a conserved building. The authorities said they decided to retain the mural by Singapore-based American artist Sean Dunston because the work is largely seen as an art piece, and not as an advertisement for tobacco. 


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